Chapter :5

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Aaron knew the exact moment when Rayana fell on top of him. His breathing stopped. And his heart went into overdirve. The feeling of reminiscense took over him completely, submerging him in its depths. She felt so right in his arms. So damn right. And forgetting everything, a feeling of longing over took him.This all, coupled with his hazy state of mind, didnot allow him to make better judgement of the whole scenario. Instead, he reflextively bought his hands together to hold her right there.

He felt her squriming. He tightened his hold.

Squirming again.

"Aaron...Aaron, its me,Rayana. Wake up. Let go" Rayana whispered in the darkness.

"Mmmhh" Aaron said in his sleepiness.

Omg, how do I wake him up?,Rayana thought helplessly.

"Aaron, Aaron wake up! I need to feed Annie. Aaro-" And without thinking another second, Rayana pinched him squarley on his arm. 

Not that there was anything to pinch,really. With all him being sinew and muscles, Aaron didnt have an ounc of fat on his body.

"Owww.. WHAT THE HELL?!" Aaron yelped in pain and his hands fell on his sides. Rayana quickly sprang from the bed  and straigetned herself.

"WHAT IN DAMNATION WOMAN"?! Aaron angriliy shouted. He moved and flicked on his bedside lamp. His face was marred with anger. And his hair were standing on all sides. Rayana mentally cringed from what had happened and a blush crept on her neck.

"What in the world are you doing here?!" Aaron demanded of her, his hands raking through his hair.

He was staring at her.No wait, seething was the right word. His dark eyes were narrowed into two angry slits and his mouth was set in a straight line.

"I-I ..I came to take Annie and I d-dont know how I-" Rayana said looking down,fidgeting with her hands. 

"Ended up on top of me"? Aaron provided,fuming.

Rayana looked up and expecting nothing but his anger, she was a bit surprised to find that nick of arrogance in his eyes. This riled her to no end. Her temper flared and she barked back at him.

"Well, if you'd have been so considerate to atleast give something to Annie before making her sleep,I wouldn' t have the need to come to your room. Heavens knows how much I hate being here." .

Aaron glared back at her and was about to rebuke her when they heard the soft wails of Annie.

Great, so Annie had finally woken up, Rayana thought.

Giving Aaron another hard stare she went  and scooped up Annie from the bed. Without tunring around,she left the room with Annie in her hands.

Aaron's blood was boiling. Who did this woman think she was? Not only had she disturbed his sleep, she had somehow turned the tables at him also, getting him on the hook for being inconsiderate. That witch!

Aaron would deal with her alter. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to sleep on his comfy bed. Closing his eyes, he dozed off in less than a minute.


Rayana sipped her coffee and glanced sideways at Aaron. He was sitting with one of his legs corssed on top of the other. He kept glancing at his expensive watch and muttering something incoherent. Rayana bit back a smile. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that Aaron was angry at being waited on.

They were at St Andrews Hospital, the one where Annie had been getting treated from all this time. Yeasterday, Aaron had spoke to one of his collegues about the best Cardiologist in the country. Doctor Gaynes Hilbert was the one name that was not only popular in the country but also internationally recognised. In his feild, he was the best. And so,without bothering to ask anything of Rayana,Aaron had issued orders for clearing her account at St Andrew's hospital tomorrow so that they could scehedule an appointment at the earliest with Dr.Hilbert.

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