Chapter : 2

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Chapter :2

Aaron parked his black land cuiser in the driveway. He got out and locked it and turned to look at his mansion of a house.Abig white building with powder blue window cuts, it was heaven on earth.But lately, it looked more like a building than a home for living people. It was cold. It was devoid of human life. Sighing, Aaron made his way to the porch. He turned his key in and the lock opened. pushing the smooth door open, he clicked it shut and set the secuirty alram on, punching in the combination. Kicking his loafers off, he made his way to his bedroom, with his coat still dangling on one arm.  

Aaraon's room was a large, duplex suite designed with elegance and done up in white and gold. IT was vast and spacious.,giving it an airy feel. He threw the jacket on the wide bed and loosedned his tie. Folding his grey shirt's sleeves to his forearms, AAron made his way to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. Looking up in the mirror, he stared at his reflection for some time. 

He was exceptionally handsome, he knew that, with tanned smooth skin and dark,raven hair. He had the most dark,glittering black eyes and a strong square jaw. But somehow he looked ragged and dull today. He was so tired, it showed on the weariness on his face. Sighing, He pat dried his face with a towel and went back to his room. 

Sitting on the bed, he thought back to the events of this afternoon.Rayana's beautiful face kept flashing behind his eyes. That paleness of her skin, those sharp yet somehow subdued features, her emerald green eyes, her long auburn hair. He rememebred everything. And then her voice reverbirated though his mind. She's your daughter. 

She's your daughter. He couldn't get that sentence out of his mind for the love of his life. Muttering an epletive, he got up and opened his office briefcase and took outthe thick white file that Rayana had left at his office. The file had St.Andrew Hospital written in LArge red letters over it. Opening the file, he started leafing thorugh the papers. A small manila envelop was tucked in between the papers and it fell on the plush carpet. Picking it up, Aaron opened it and saw the backside of a photograph. In blue ink, Annies name was scrawled in what was undoubetedly Rayana's handwrting. With a deep breath, Aaron turned the picture around and for the second time in the day, found himself staring.

The resemblance of Annie to himself was striking. Annie had the same dark eyes and the same nose that he had. She had taken her complexion and her beautiful lips of her mother. But apart from that, all he could see in her was a refelction of himself. Even her eyelashes were the same sooty shade and duster like. There was no denying it now. She was his daughter,alrite. His whole world titled on its axis with this realization. sighing visibly, Aaron put his hands in his head. He didnt need to see that damed DNA report. It was so obvious! Annie was his daughter. He felt a sudden surge of happpiness. Happiness that he hadnt felt in 3 years now. This happiness was howver quickly marred by the overpowering anger he felt towards Rayana, That bitch! how dare she? How dare she keep his daughter away from him for three years?!He wanted to meet his daughter and he wanted to meet her now!. A quick glance at his wristwatch told him the time was 10 pm. Well, What the hell, screw the time. Aaron quickly went ot take a shower and changed into a white polo shirt and blue denim. He took his keys and wallet and the address that Rayana had left in the file. He thought of calling her but then he decided against it. She better be expecting the shock of her life now, he thought seethingly.


Rayana tucked the blanket around her daughter and kissed her forehead. She then switched the night lamp off and went out of her room. A million things were running in her mind, thoughts of todday's afternoon kept imploding in her head. I'l take a shower, she thought, that always helps.

Taking a quick shower, Rayana changed into a white cotton night shirt with soft grey wool slacks. her long damp hair curled around her neck, cascading down. She let them loose and went to make herself a cup of coffee.

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