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The room was painfully quite. If there was ever a fly in this room, Rayana was sure she could hear it buzz around at this point.

Aaron turned his head and there it was. The red mark of her slender fingers.Rayana felt like dying.Seriously.

She had never resorted to violence.Everything in her world needed to be dealt like a mature woman, not a hanky banky who took swings at people.

People twice her size, not to mention.

Aaron was staring at her in such a cold way, she had trouble concentrating on anything except those hard, dark orbs.

Dropping his hand from his face, Aaron took a few steps towards her. Rayana backed up the same two steps.

Aaron took another step ahead.

Rayana backed up another.

One front, One back, One back.

The whole process could keep going on forever if it werent for the cold wall of the room that ceased her movement. Rayana felt trapped and edged as close as she could to the wall.

Aaron was now an inch away from her. She could feel the intense heat, his anger obviously, radiating through him in strong waves. Aaron bought up his arm and Rayana flinched held her hand protectively over her head.


Is she crazy?, Aaron mused.

Does the whole thing come up to this, that shes just a crazy woman.

His arm, which he'd meant to rest on the wall beside her, was still in mid air. He couldn't stop staring at her hand covered face.

Does she really think I'l physically hurt her? Raise my hand over her? Does she think so low of me?

The realization that she really thought that was like a blow to his stomach. He'd never raise his hand over a woman. No matter how much one riled him, made him essentially close to losing his sanity.

He bought his hand to rest on the wall beside her. A couple of seconds passed. Aaron didnt move. Just kept glaring at the little witch.

Ever so slowly, He saw Rayana peep through her fingers to look at him.


A second more and she completely removed her hands from her face. She straightened a little, not that Aaron gave her some room. He was standing, all six feet two inches, looking down at her in complete anger and malice.

Aaron saw her try to hold her composure straight but he detected the fear in her large eyes.

"I wouldn't have done that if I were you" Aaron spoke, dangerously low.

He saw her flinch and exhale a shaky breath.The fact that she was scaring away so easy still had his sides gnawing in frustration.

"I dont understand what you mean" she whispered.

"I think you very well do." He edged a little closer, just to make her more uncomfortable.

Rayana cast her eyes down and Aaron was struck again by her long, sooty lashes. It should be illegal for a woman to have such long lashes.

The heat of his anger was quickly dissipating to something else entirely. Aaron had trouble keeping his real reason in mind. He noticed her flushed cheeks and her unsteady breath. She looked up again and he couldnt keep his eyes away from hers. A lock of her stubborn hair tumbled on her forehead, between her left eye and brow, causing her to blink rapidly.

She couldnt raise her hands to move it though, since Aaron had come entirely to close for her liking.

Aaron, not knowing what came over him, moved his hand a little down and put that stray lock behind her ear.He thought she looked shocked and apprehensive.

He didnt know what the hell he looked like.

Except he needed a really sound whacking to his head for letting this woman get under his skin.

"If you so much as raise your voice the next time to me, You can gladly pack your bags and leave, without Annie" He emphasised and said.

He saw her momentary daze clear away like cold water on a hot day. Her eyes cleared and she pushed back at him. He moved a few steps away and she straightened her spine and glared at him.

"I hate you, you arrogant bastard!" she almost yelled and ran away.

Aaron felt a stab at his heart but he quickly abhorred it and rubbed his jaw.

Bitch, he thought angriliy.


"And how are you?" Mama Jenny asked from the other end.

"I am great, why wouldnt I be?" Rayana carelessly replied, thinking back to the scene this afternoon.Who did that bastard think he was?God's gift to the world? Like as if she enjoyed slapping him. His ego was the size of his house!

"Rayana....I know its hard for you, don't try to soft everything out here, okay?" Mama Jenny's concerned voice bought her back from her black thoughts.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and said "Its okay...Ive had to face worse things in life. This seems a piece of cake compared to all that. Dont worry about me. You tell me. Hows your leg now?Is it still bothering you. I am gonna come this Saturday to se-"

"I am totally fine, honey, you don't need to come here. If I get too lonely Il call Collin over. Hows Annie doing?Hows he with her?".

"Aaron's been wonderful with Annie, Mama Jenny. Truly it surprises me that he's such a good father.Hes taken care of her so much. And Annie simply adores him. Ive got my head going on this for sometime now Mama Jenny and I think its only right for Annie that she live with Aaron even after her surgery." Rayana closed her eyes and said.

"What? Are you masochistic Rayana? Is that it? How do you plan on living without her? Shes everything you have. You'll die if you separate her from yourself".

"We'll talk about this later Mama Jenny. I have to go now, okay?Take care of yourself. I love you."

"Alrite dear, I will, And you take care of Annie. I love you both too".

Rayana put the phone down on the table and sat on the bed. She glanced at Annie, sleeping peacefully, on the bed.

"Shes right. I cant live without you.But that doesnt mean I am going to deny you the chance of a happy and comfortable life." Rayana whispered to herself, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"You deserve to live with your dad, baby. And for your happiness and bright future, I am going to make that sacrifice."

Rayana closed her eyes and lay down beside Annie, another burden added to her heart.


Author's note: I am so sorry for the long wait. Ive been too busy with university tests and stuff to really work on this. Anyways I hope this chapter was worth the wait. 

Iam thrilled that this story is finally getting some reads and comments. Although it was just one comment. So guys, keep commenting and voting and fanning and letme know what you think.=)=)

This is a non edited version so please feel free to point out any mistakes.=)

Hope you enjoyed this reading as much as I did writing it. And to everyone who reads this, Youre Amazeballs haha^^.

Till the next time, 


And happy holidays...haha am just joking:P:P

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