Chapter 5 ~ The Hunters

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Chapter 5

It seemed that after the King had made the announcement that the castle immediately began preparing for the hunters’ arrival. Many servants ran about with different chores and tasks to set up for whenever the hunters would arrive. The King wanted to keep up appearances and make sure that the hunters got a very warm welcome. Arabella imagined the kitchens were absolute chaos as they attempting to put together a welcoming feast.

Almost all of the servants hated when important guests came to the castle of Amstia but the royal family always enjoyed themselves. Even now Eleanor couldn’t contain her excitement for the hunters’ arrival. She couldn’t sit still and kept leaving her room for a walk only to go back after only a short time.

“Will they ever come?” Eleanor exclaimed as she threw herself on the bed. Arabella hid a frown; she had just made the bed. She turned her attention back to cleaning Eleanor’s room. She swept the table in the middle of them room and then started putting all of Eleanor’s belongings back in their places.

“Give them a bit more time,” Arabella said laughing at Eleanor’s display of impatience. “They probably haven’t even received the message from the King yet. Then they have to make their way to the castle. They can just be here like that,” Arabella said snapping her fingers to demonstrate her point.

“Amstia just won’t be safe until all the white wolves are killed. The other wolves might be dangerous but not to the degree that white wolves are,” Eleanor replied thinking allowed. Arabella nodded her head to avoid answering.

“Are you hungry, my lady? I can go fetch some food from the kitchens,” Arabella offered suddenly wanting to be out of this room. Eleanor shook her head and Arabella nodded disappointed.

She started to resume cleaning when a horn sounded announcing the approach of a group. Arabella and Eleanor rushed to the window and pushed it opened. They waited with bated breath until the newcomers could be seen. A group of six came into view. They all rode horses and their cloaks hiding their features as they rushed to get where they were going.

“They’re here,” Eleanor stated. She had a huge smile on her face as she turned away from the window. Arabella quickly shut the window but not before she saw the crowd forming, they probably were hoping to see these hunters. “Let’s go, I’m sure the King is going to want me there when he official welcomes the hunters.”

Eleanor quickly walked through the halls. It was almost as if she picked up speed gradually. Arabella jogged to keep up and as a result they both got to the throne room before the hunters did. Eleanor took her place near the King and Queen and Arabella stepped into the crowd of servants.

Everyone was looking at the shut throne room doors. They couldn’t wait for the hunters to enter. With a groan the doors parted and were pushed open. Three adults entered the room. Two were male and in between them walked a blonde female. She bore a resemblance to the man on her left. They both had the same shade blonde hair and grey eyes. They were probably related, Arabella thought to herself. The other adult had a light brown hair and dark brown eyes. They all wore the same sort of outfit; they wore some brown cotton pants and a white linen shirt and some leather boots, in other words, clothes for traveling.

Behind them were three more hunters. These hunters were much younger than the first three. In front was a blonde female that looked like her mother, she also appeared to be the eldest of the latter three. Behind her was a male that looked to be in his early twenties. He had even lighter brown hair than his father but he had the same brown eyes. Finally the last and youngest hunter seemed to be in his late teens. He had somehow gotten a deep, dark brown hair colour that appeared black. His eyes were a peculiar medium, dark grey with flecks of silver. The young hunters were dressed similarly to the first three. They all stopped before the King and Queen and bowed.

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