Chapter Nine

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Song of Solomon 3:4 -- "...I have found the one whom my soul loves..."

I was in the process of organizing my calendar with my multiple syllabi and arranging my school supplies when Kaitlyn tried Facetiming me. I abandoned all work to pick up.

"Kaitlyn!" I screamed.

"Ryan! Are you all moved in?"

"Yes ma'am. You?"

"Barely. I had to leave for orientation-type stuff. I'm just now setting out my makeup, supplies, food, the works." Kaitlyn's actual move-in day was today while I had the last of my first day of classes.

"Show me a tour!" I demanded.

The camera was flipped as Kaitlyn showed me the ins-and-outs of her room. The room was cramped, and Kaitlyn introduced me to her roommate.

"Everyone has been super nice," she assured. "I know I'll make friends in no time."

I feigned sadness. "Don't forget about me," I sniffed.

"Never. Have you met anyone yet?"

I shrugged. "I've had some convos with girls in class. And this girl down the hall... we've ate lunch together the past week. But that's the only time I see her."

Kaitlyn shrugged nonchalantly and plopped down on her bed. "I'm excited to start my classes. Mai and I share two, but I'll be on the own for the rest."

I gave Kaitlyn some advice. "It's not as bad as one expects. It's obvious we are all nervous, so if you are the first to break conversation, you'll connect with a lot more. Well, fifty-fifty." I laughed and said, "Quite a few of people judge from the beginning."

"Thought we left that behind in high school," Kaitlyn cracked a joke.

"Speaking of things we should have left in high school, how is Sam-I-Am?"

Kaitlyn burst out in laughter. "I'm telling him that."

"Great. He'll probably scream at me for even suggesting it."

"Send him my way. I'll deal with his attitude. Okay but all joking aside, he has moved in well. I don't think he likes his roommate much - little bit of a party person. But he hasn't shut up about the classes in which he enrolled."

"When do you think you'll see each other next?"

"We may try something on Labor Day weekend, if it works out. If not, we either hope for an empty weekend or wait for Thanksgiving."

"Too long."

"Nope. Just perfect. I think we annoyed each other this summer." Kaitlyn and I both laughed; I don't doubt it. On either end.

"Do you two have catch up days like we do?"

Kaitlyn nodded. "Monday and Thursday."

"Ouch. I only have Friday."

"Sam is needy."

"He just wants to grab you after the weekend to see if you partied all night long."

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