chapter twelve

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Her body goes limp as I notice she's fallen asleep on me. I brush her hair out of her face and hold her until my movie is over.

I look down to see if she's still asleep and find her knocked out.

"Time for bed."

I pick her up with me and start to carry her upstairs. I hear grunts escape her body as I walk.

"Go back to sleep." I whisper to her as she clutches onto me tighter. I open her door and place her in bed, covering her up and walking back to the door.

"Goodnight." I mutter, knowing she's asleep.

I walk back down the hall to my bed room and lay down. Her words hitting me once again.

"don't corrupt my heart" I replay in my mind over and over. I know I can't do this to her but I just can't stop. She has a hold on me and she doesn't even know.

I need some sleep, otherwise I'll drive myself crazy by thinking.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling and my thoughts just haunt me even more.

Footsteps from down the hall catch my attention, soon my door creaking open.


"I can't sleep." she mumbles

"You were just sound asleep though?"

"I know but..I had a bad dream. It was about my dad."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know, it's not an easy subject."

"I understand. Um, how can I help?"

"Can I just crash in here tonight?"

"Yeah that's cool." I say trying not to smile from excitement.

She lays down on her moms side with her back to me. I don't say anything, I just leave her alone.

I listen to her breathing slow down and find my eyes getting heavy. After a few minutes of silence I fall fast asleep.

Daddy issuesWhere stories live. Discover now