chapter fifteen

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She's gone.

I'm alone.

And no one can help me.

"Jewel? will you please eat..?" Luke begs softly.

"Not hungry."

"You have to be, it's been four days."

"I'm fine." I growl at him due to annoyance.

it's true, I haven't eaten in four days. I get sick everytime I think about food. My weight is dropping rapidly and Luke worries more and more everyday.

I quit going to school, I dropped out. I figure if I have no one what's the point in doing anything with my life.

My mom was successful and you see where that landed her.

six feet under.


I hum in response.

"What can I do to make you eat? What do you want the most?"

"pizza.." I mumble, knowing I won't be able to hold it down.

"Pizza it is then." Luke calls and orders a pizza.

It's been days since I've left the house. Today was the first day I actually got out of my bed.

I can't cry anymore because I'm just physically not able to. I've run dry.

I walk over to the couch as Luke ends the pizza phone call. He soon follows and sits next to me.

No words exchanged. Just awkward silence.

"I don't like seeing you sad.." Luke whispers.

"I'm just empty now, I'm not sad."


"I have nothing left. I could die and be okay knowing I wouldn't leave anyone behind." I say.

"I'm here.. you'd be leaving me."

I look over at him and remember that yes, Luke is my step-dad. Yes, he is my "family". So he's right, technically. I would be leaving one person behind.

But I'm nothing to him. we've know each other for a few months now, he can't be that attached.

"I don't want you to leave." he breaks the silence.

"I'm not..I'm just saying."

"Well don't say that." his tone changing to angry and upset.

I look at him slightly confused at his sudden change of tone.

"Can I be alone right now." he slightly demands.

Without hesitation I jump up and go to my room, locking myself in there. For about 45 minutes I lay in silence.

I hear a car pull up and see the pizza boy walk up. Might I say he's cute.

I walk down stairs and answer the door.

I'm face to face with a tan skinned boy with dark hair and dark eyes. Something about him is adorable yet very sexy.

"Hi, um two large pizzas? For uh, Luke?" he says softly.

"Um yes, well um im jewel." I whisper to him shyly.

"Nice to meet you jewel. Do we know each other?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, here." he hands me the two pizzas.

"It's on me." he smiles kindly.

"oh, well thank you. let me get you a tip though."

"can my tip be your number?" he asks as he turns a light shade of pink.

I smile and nod my head. I take his pen and write it on his forearm.

"Don't lose it."

"I won't, believe me." he winks at me and turns on his heels.

I close the door and take the pizza to the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Luke questions.

"Nothing, just talking to the delivery boy."

He hums in response not too enthused.

I take a few slices of pizza and start eating. Sitting in silence and enjoying the cheesy goodness.

"You know, you shouldn't pick up delivery boys. They have that job because they suck at everything." Luke spits out.

"Can you not?" I mumble with food in my mouth.

"Just saying."

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