chapter seven

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I lay on my bed and enjoy the silence, that is until he walks in.

"look-" he starts

"i know you don't like this, but things are about to change. your mum and I are going to get married and that way I can help her with her debt and all that by signing things over into my name."

"whatever. Have fun."

"But I expect you to show me a little respect cause this shit isnt cool."

I look at him a little taken back.

"excuse me? You aren't and never will be my father."

"I understand being 17 and rebellious is cool but just stop."

"You were 17, what, yesterday? So don't tell me how to live my life. Okay"

"Fine, but just know that when I'm your dad and you do shit like this, you will be punished."


He leaves my room in the silence it was in before, and now leaving my thoughts wandering.

Punishment? What am I 5?

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