chapter fourteen

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*** warning, chapter may be too much for some readers***

It's been three weeks since Jewel has really spoken to me. Her mum is back, but of course she is gone on business trips every weekend so there's a lot of silence in the house.

Jewel mostly stays at Laney's house, so in here alone a lot of the time.

Nothing im not use to.

I never thought being a married man would consist of silence and alone time. I could have just kept going on as a single guy rather than tying myself down.


My thoughts are cut short when Jewel walks in the front door.

I don't say anything, I just watch her every move. She's so intoxicating to watch.

"what luke."

I jump slightly, completely caught off guard by her voice that I haven't heard in weeks.

"what do you mean?"

"why are you staring at me?"

"just strange seeing you home."

She hums in response, not sounding too enthused.

"Is mum coming home soon?" she asks me.

"Couldn't tell you, she hasn't called me in days." I huff and start pulling a pizza out to bake.


With that, she walks upstairs and doesn't come down for hours.

When the pizza is done, I walk upstairs and softly knock on Jewels door.

"hey is done."

I hear fumbling around in her room as I start to get a little concerned, knowing she has anxiety and such.

"Jewel? You alright?"

I attempt to open the door, just to find its locked.

"Jewel, let me in." I demand a little more, getting no response.

I lay on the floor to peak under the crack of the door. I scan as much of the room as I can when I see a box cutter laying on the floor and an arm hanging from the side of her bed.

"Jewel!!!!" I get up and ram the door with my body a few times until it gives.

"Oh fuck." I dart over to her bed and try to stop the bleeding.

"Jewel, what did you do?"

"I don't know, I'm just...hurting."

I scoop her up and run to her bathroom, laying our bodies in the bathtub as I wrap a towel around her arm.

Panic over takes my body as she lays in my arms.

"Jewel, why did you do this?"

"My mum and dad are both gone now.."


"Jewel what are you talking about?"

"I called the hotel my mum was at and they said she got into a horrible accident and died. They didn't have any numbers to contact us so they assumed she was a nobody." she sobs into my shirt as I take in everything she has just said.

I 'shh' her to try and calm her down and still find myself still processing everything.

So, I'm her guardian now?

"I have no one."

"You have me, I'm still your legal guardian and I entend on taking care of you like you are my own."

Once the blood stops pouring from her arm, I scoop her up and place her in bed. Tucking her in and quietly leaving.

I go downstairs, looking as if I had just murdered someone. Wash my hands and cut up some pizza.

I can't believe this, I'm seriously her daddy now.

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