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Unclasped fingers shamelessly spill

Unspeakable secrets;

Unabashed stabs of passion breed

Unshakable regret.

Unleashed oceans of misery coax

Unwanted drops a-drippin

Unstoppable, unclean works of art

Unleashed from within.

Unsaid pleasure swallows up my soul

Unsaid guilt follows like;

Unappeasable flames inside me burn

Untainted heartstrings white.

Unsteady is the path of dips and climbs

Unbound joy follows sorrow,

Unlit lamps lie strewn at every step

Uncrowned kings of the morrow;

Unblest is my throbbing being, an

Unblinking stone of sin,

Unshaken, though is the fact that I'm

Much kinder than my kin.

Unfeasible, thus is naming this

Tangle of grief and glee

Untitled therefore is my life-

Untitled it will be.

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