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My heart is red, the color of love

The color of lust and passion

My hate is red, the color of blood

The color of desperation.

The skies are blue, the color of calm

The color of endless peace

The ship teeters on the verge of death

Amid the storming blue seas.

Yellow, the color of eternal light

By the dazzling Sun liberated

Yellow, the color of death and decay

Owned by a body cremated.

Close your eyes to the boundless black

A welcome veil of quiet

Close your eyes as your black-clad son

Weeps by the burning pyre.

Green, a shade of prosperity

Of nature, young and serene

A swampy lake, destroyed by fate

Gives off the color green.

A chocolate brown waters my mouth

I smack my lips in yearning

A shrivelled up leaf on the tree beyond

Has slowly begun brown turning.

The page is white, a shade bizarre

Of a bunch of colors born

Yet only seen when the final trace

Of all other shades is gone;

No matter how pretty things may seem

They have an ugly inside-

What textbooks couldn't teach my head

The colors taught my eyes.

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