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I'm sitting on a lonely park bench

Strewn with fatally maimed leaves

The air reeks of dried flowers

Undivulged secrets

And smoke.

The moon is mounting on a scarless sky

Save the tiny white freckles

That blemish the wizard's cloak

A cloak that embraces the endless world

Like a soundless cyclone.



The buildings are dotted with halos of light

That shyly peek through the occasional crevices between curtains

Crevices some family was careless enough to let be;

A family so careless, so uncultured

It forgot it needed privacy.

My forlorn gaze rests upon

The yellow, burning lamps

That bathe the surrounding land

In a glowing pool of light,

I watch a crowd of zealous pegions

To a greener perch take flight.

The rare gust of soothing air

I should attribute to the trees

The lords of this green empire

That with their long, all - overshadowing arms

Their ghostly silhouettes

Their iron roots, their brownish leaves

Provide me a peaceful nook

To sort the mess in my mind.

A stray leaf detaches from its mother

And draws a hesitant pattern

Through the winding bylanes of destiny

Before a singular slack in the wind

Causes it to mingle with the mud below.

A tiny child that had vibrant dreams

That were shattered with its body

Now lying helpless on the ground

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