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The closer my soul gets

The farther it is thrown.

And I feel the burning regret

Scalding the buttered scones.

Scalding the buttered scones;

Scalding my broken bones.

The brighter the glow of the candle

The dimmer its shadow upon

The balls that slowly dangle-

Little beacons in the storm.

Little beacons in the storm;

Deemed to be dispelled by the dawn.

Memories millenial mashed

Into puddings and baked crisps;

Soft snowflakes slowly slant

Into a room of painted bliss.

A room of painted bliss;

Of endless shopping lists.

And bittersweet days dance in my eyes

To unheard, unfelt carols

Soothing stories sweetly sung

Over enormous wine barrels.

Over enormous pork barrels;

Those lovely, lovely carols.

And a stray waif of a tear pulls and falls

And gets caught in the burrs of my sweater

Of trees and troubles and Santa Claus

Of memories, love and letters;

Of memories, love and letters;

Christmas couldn't be better.

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