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I had just finished dressing into my sleep wear, which was only a dark tank top and sweatpants. I went out of the bathroom and plopped down on my cot and thought back when me and Kylo were at the cafeteria.

I touched the spot where he wiped the ketchup of the side of my lips. I shyly smiled and bit my lips as I rocked myself back and forth. Even if I had been in an argument with him, he somehow made me feel weird.

"Why?" I whispered to myself. I got up from the cot and shut off the lights, with the only source of light from a nightlight. I tucked myself into the cot and stared at the blank ceiling.

Why do I feel this way? Am I crazy? Was there something in the food? Come on I need an answer now!

I gripped the covers in frustration.

Maybe this is all a dream, maybe I'm at the Resistance right now. Just close your eyes and everything will be normal.

I closed my eyes and breathed lightly. Then I fell asleep.


I woke up to the door sliding open. I thought it would be a storm trooper but it was instead Kylo. Does he ever do this to anyone else?

He shook my shoulder while chanting my name repeatedly.

"Bella. Bella. Bella. Wake up!"

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, blocking his voice and the bright light.

"Come back in a year." I slurred.

Then the covers were pulled away from me and I was exposed to the cold and the bright light. Ugh, it hurts. "What? I need some sleep."

"Well now is not the day. Today is your training to become part of the Dark Side." Kylo said, crossing his arms across his chest.

My eyes shot up and I sat up in bed. What?!

"Excuse me? Who said that I'm becoming part of the Dark Side?" I sassed, my hand on my hip. There was no way that I would join such side.

"Well you wanted me to be your mentor, now here we are."

"I didn't say I was joining the Dark side though." Wait, did I?

"Yes you did."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes. You. Did!" He screamed, using his light saber, he slashed the walls of my room once again. Then he pointed it to me. I was frozen with fear, shutting my eyes, waiting for my upcoming death.

But I wasn't injured nor dead. I cautiously opened my eyes.

Kylo paused, still in the position he had. Then his face softened and left the room, clearly in frustration. I sighed and frantically looked around the room.

What am I actually doing here?

I was confused at the moment.

Why didn't I fight back and leave the fortress? Why can't I just leave?

I rubbed my eyes and went to get ready for the day. Where I will be forced to become part of the Dark Side. Or maybe not.

After I was ready, I took one last look into the vanity mirror. Instead of that innocent and helpful girl, there was confused and mean one. My makeup style had changed also. Dark and bold.

I got up from the vanity and pushed the button that made the door open.

I looked down each hallway only to see it half empty. I was confused, wasn't the hallways always occupied with storm troopers?

Then I heard a deep roar from somewhere far along with some crashing and blasting. My heart jumped with me as the sounds were so sudden.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway, trying not to make a sound. Looking around cautiously, my steps became stuff and hesitant.

Was the source for all that sound Kylo? Did I make him like that? Hopefully not, if he saw me here right now - my life would be over.

Unfortunately we both crossed paths a few seconds later. His helmet was off and he looked different.

His hair was now damp and hung over his eyes. Eyes were red. Overall he looked pretty bad.

"What?!" He said completely annoyed. "Are you going to leave the fortress or what?"

My eyes widened, I can actually leave the fortress - with no death whatsoever?

"I'm just getting an early breakfast. Then I'm leaving."

I moved and walked ahead of him, avoiding his stare. I wasn't planning to leave but now that I had the option, I do now.


After I ate my breakfast, I grabbed my sack and filled it out with basic needs. Water, food, first-aid kit, and a change of clothes.

I zipped it up and swung it on my shoulder and made my way out of the fortress.

The hallways were now starting to be full of storm troopers. As I walked past them, they all gave me look. I avoided their nosy stares and made my way to the fortress. After the tour with Kylo last night, I knew exactly where I was going.

I was at the exit now and I could feel the freedom once again. Maybe I might be going to the Resistance after all.

I pressed the button that opened the door and watched as the door slowly opened, letting out a small wind of snow. I took a deep breath and started to move, but before I could take another step, I heard someone calling my name.

I slowly turned around to see who it was.

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