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"Welcome to the Dark Side." He said before opening the door.

The door was open and all I could see was darkness. I was standing in front of the doorway, unaware of what was happening behind me.

Suddenly I was pushed into the room, the door closed behind me.

I ran to the door and banged on it.

"Help! Help! Someone get me out!" I screamed. As tears fell down my cheeks, my strength had weakened, and eventually I stopped banging on the door and just fell on the floor.

The lights were turned on and I gasped in surprise. I looked behind me and saw slash marks on the walls and floor and any object. I gasped and cried even more.

This is the room where he kills people.

"Stand up." A voice deep and chilling startled me.

I turned to the direction to the voice and gasped. In front of me was an attractive young man. His hair was dark and at shoulder length. From the angle I saw him, his eyes were close to the same color.

He was so much more attractive than how Rey described him.

So this is the face he's hiding? Wow, no wonder he hides it.

"Why is your face red?" He asked puzzled. Even his puzzled face was bit attractive.

I reached up to my face and felt it. It was warm and even if I can't see it with my own eyes, my face was basically a tomato. I mentally clapped myself and cleared my throat.

"Sorry." I stood up and walked closer to him. His long gaze at me made me uncomfortable each step I took.

"Can you please hurry up?!" He said impatiently. He went over and grabbed two light sabers.

I quickened my pace until I was a feet away from him. He tossed me a light saber and I caught it with one hand.

His face gave a look of interest at what he saw. "Turn on your light saber."

I turned on my light saber and a red light quickly came out of it. Wait, where was mine?

He charged toward me unexpectedly and I dodged it at the last minute. He stopped and stared at me.

"Why didn't you do anything?! You're just standing there like a dumb person!" He yelled.

The words sparked anger in my body. My grip on the light saber tightened and my eyebrows furrowed.

I charged at him and out light sabers struck in a second. We both looked intensely into each other's eyes.

My, even if they were bright with red. His eyes still glow brightly.

Wait, I'm not supposed to even like him. He caused the goddamn tragedy. He's a stupid boy who does nothing but evil.

The I found myself kneeing him hard in the thigh. He screamed in anguish and fell in pain. The light saber fell from his own hands and he rocked himself back and forth, clutching his hurt thigh.

"Goddamn it!" He cursed, saying even more curse words for the next minute or two.

I only stared and watched with no emotion on my face.

He's probably tricking you so he can kill you. Yeah, that's the reason.

But for the next three minutes, all he had done was clutch his thigh and wince in pain.

"What are you? Some robot made of steel?!" He screamed at me.

"No, just someone who works out almost everyday."

He looked up at me with a surprised expression. Then with irritation.

"So you're just going to stand there and not do anything?" He questioned, as he reached for his light saber.

"How can I if you're going to kill me with your light saber?" I challenged as I pointed to the light saber he was now holding.

"Huh? I actually thought you were going to help me. But you're smarter than I thought." He laughed.

I was offended. He thought I was dumb?!

"Of course I am, in fact I'm smarter than you!"

He was silent for a moment, he stood up with no trouble and walked toward me. I backed up until a wall from behind stopped me. I couldn't move or anything because he was five inches away from me.

"Do you really think so?" He asked quietly.

I gulped and avoided his eyes. My face was expressionless but my heart was beating against my rib cage.

"Y-Yes." I said, avoiding his eyes.

"If you are, then why aren't you looking at me?" He asked.

Before I could and answer, he forcefully grabbed my chin and my eyes met his. His brown doe eyes.

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