Cloudy With a Chance of Jake

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I walked off of the plane looking for sunny skies and palm trees, but it was cloudy and raining. My parents had decided that we had to move to Los Angeles for a "change of scenery". I always wanted to move to L.A; but not now. I'm missing my prom, my graduation, my summer. I know I should be grateful; I mean it's every teenage girls dream to live L.A. for the summer, move into a big house, and go to the beach everyday, but I've always been sorta awkward. I never really made friends easily, and I loved the ones I had back in Indiana.

The house was big, just like I thought it would be, and the beach is only 15 minutes away. I decided to go with my brother and see how this summer would start. I wore my favorite pink floral romper and curled my hair like Ariana Grande since I didn't plan on going in the water. When we reached the beach it had finally stopped raining and the sun was shining down on the beach, just like in those pictures you see on tumblr. I sat down in the beach chair and looked out into the ocean. I turned my head to the left to see a volleyball coming straight towards my head. As I fell off the chair, a figure appeared to be running out of the beach, it was him, then there was darkness

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