Running scared!

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Caught in the blaze of light reigning down at speed

Frozen in terror, every sinew, every muscle, every fibre exposed

In slow motion, awaiting the impact of that fast approaching moment

That zero non-negotiable shock of annihilation

Old age is not sold to us like this, but neatly packaged 

and tied with pink ribbons and neat glittering paper

Wrapped and folded with love, wisdom and contentment

Not with bulging eyes and fear wracked countenance and a life unfulfilled

with a complete lack of understanding as to why this must be 

‘What have I done to deserve this,’ my Grandfather wailed in extreme old age

and the answer, unacceptable but true, ‘you have lived, and have not died’

Like those on the Somme or the children mashed in a crash on holiday

from Lanfranc school. For this is a privilege for the lucky few

to grow old and infirm and not to die young in the throws of a life unused. 

Perhaps after all it is natures way to help us loosen our hold on life

so that when the time comes

we don’t mind at all

Or so we like to think, yet I rather suspect,

that when the time comes

such thoughts are no use at all

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