City Silence.

41 7 12

Traversing well trodden rooted paths to the softly

spoken silence of the lakeside, refracting diamonds

of crystal white and listening for the sympathetic

splash of Swan and many a nesting foraging bird

to feed their fledgling young, fresh hatched.

Across the water a bobbing boat of cobalt blue

with babbling child, arm outstretched to feel

the waters chill, fair hair flowing in the breeze.

And somewhere in the distance, the cacophonous intrusion of man.

A helicopter

hovers overhead

as a jet streams by

at thirty thousand feet

and the clatter clank

and thumping grind

of a building

rising to the sky

and the background

hum of car and van

urgently rushing by.

The push, the shove, the go and the rush to drown out natures whispered hush.

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