The Book of Wisdom!

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With grateful thanks to T S Eliot (The Waste Land) and The Book of Wisdom 4: 7-15

‘He was a good bloke Lil,

but he pegged out quick like,

but at least he ’ad a good time,

and ’e’ll be well outta all this.’

‘Too right! It’s not how long

you stick around but the larks

you have along the way.

Who wants to live to a ripe 

old age, sinless but dry as a

Camels arse and as dead

as an old man’s grey hairs.’

‘He tried ’ard ta please, and ’e

was loved, in a way, but ’e took 

some shite. He did good considrin’

then snuffed out like a candle.’

‘The good die young; that’s what 

they say, Lou.  But they don’t get it; most folk.

He’s in a better place now, no mistake.’

‘Ta ta, Lil.

‘Ta ta, Lou.’


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