Chapter six

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2 Days Later

"Nothing still?" Quinn questioned hearing Emily let out a loud groan.

Emily threw her phone on the lunch table and started to rub her temples feeling a headache coming on. "Im just so tempted to make a police report."

"What has her mom said?" Quinn asked.

"She said she does this, that its normal for her to disappear at times."

"And her mother doesn't care or worry?"

"She said Santana let a voicemail saying she would be back in 2 days." Emily recalled her Aunt receiving the call 2 days ago.

"So, shes just lets it go? Em I think theres more to it then your Aunt is letting on." Quinn shared her opinion.

Emily frown trying to understand what the blonde was implying. "Quinn what are you trying to say?"

"I dunno, its just. I dunno." Quinn tried to explained but was having a hard time to piece her mind together.

"Are you alright?"

"Huh, me? oh I'm alright." the blonde laughed off the concern from her friend.

Emily didn't look to convince with the blonde answer but decided not to press the matter anymore. "Hey i'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to." she offered.

"Thanks i'll keep that in mind Em."

"We should get going class starts in 5." Emily suggested.

"Right we got classes." Quinn reminded herself.

Emily turned her head again to ask, "Are you sure your okay?"


"Okay can anyone tell me what last night's homework was about?" Ezra Fitz asked his students only to meet silence. "Okay..can anyone tell if they even did it." nothing again answered him.

"Im assuming by the dead silence that means a no." he turned to Hannah who was redoing her makeup. "Ms.Marin do you wanna tell me why you didn't do?"

"Err. my dog ate it?" students let out snickers at the lame excuse she gave.

"Next time when you come up with a excuse make sure it sounds reasonable, Ms.Marin." Fitz's told Hannah.

"Will do." Hannah said lamely before getting back to applying her makeup.

"Okay cl-" Fitz's was interrupted by his classroom room door opening. He turned his head to the side to address who ever entered his classroom. "How-Santana?" One of his newest students were at the door.

"Ah and he remembers my name." Santana smirked. "Gold star for you."

"Your 15 minutes late for class, where's your pass?"

"Don't have one." Santana sat at the first open desk she spotted which was directly next to Quinn and right behind Emily. "As much as I love everyone staring at my natural beauty you can carry on with your lesson."

"Right. Where was I?" Quinn tuned Fitz's lesson out for the rest of the period only to watch Santana simply ignore everyone and everything. She noticed the Latina was acting totally different than the girl she had seen a few days ago. What happened to you?

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