Chapter Five

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Santana found herself staring up at the ceiling replaying the conversation she had earlier with her mother. She didn't know how to feel, happy? excited? She picked up the picture that was laying next to her staring at it memorizing it.


Santana heard the door slam shut from the kitchen. "Mami?" she called out.

"Si." her mothers voiced answered back. About a minute later her mother appeared in the kitchen door way. "Your home early."

Santana shrugged. "Surprised?"

"Wheres em?" Maribel asked as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Swim practice." Santana answered. "Where were you?"

Maribel let out a sigh. "We need to talk, mija." she took a seat next to Santana on the other open stool.


"I was at the doctors for an appointment." she paused. "I don't know how to say this but your going to be a big sister."

Santana stared wide eyes at her mother. It shouldn't be a shock to her since she already had her own suspicion before all that shit went down with her asshole father, but still to hear mother finally conforming it was still a shock.

"I-I what..?" Santana questioned. "I mean I didn't know you papi were..."

"Santi..." Santana looked up in her mother eyes and could see the guilt swirling in the.

"You cheated." She stated.

Maribel hung head not wanting to see her daughter's face. "Si.." she said weakly.

"Mami...why?" Santana questioned trying to understand.

"I-I-I don't know. I thought it was a one thing, but then it happened two more times, then three. Do you remember that weekend were you spent the whole weekend at Brittany's?" Santana nodded. "That weekend your papi and I got into this huge argument and things happened."

Santana frowned at her mothers last words. "What do you mean?" she held up hehand to stop her mother from answering. "Did he hit you?"

Her mother looked away. "I-I y-yes.."

Santana clenched her hands together trying to control her anger. She could feel herself starting to fume. Fucking asshole. Her mother hand made placement on her shoulder trying to stop her daughter from doing anything stupid.

"Stop, you need to clam down."

Thats when Santana exploded. "Calm down? your telling me to clam the fuck down. No! I cant. How can I can let go the fact that my asshole father has been hitting my mother." she stared pacing back and fourth trying to control herself.

Maribel watched her helplessly.

"How long?"

"It started about a year ago when he wasn't able to make advancement in his career."

"A whole year." Santana mumbled to herself. "Wait who did you have the affair with?" she suddenly remembered the reason why they were talking.

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