Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Everyone whom has read this story, voted, and commented!

Sierra’s POV

I look up at Slender and then I relaxed. I was still grimacing at the girl that was dresses like, what was his name? Oh Ya, Laughing Jack. It was disgusting and sl*tty. Slendy was still looking at them when he said that I was Sierra Queens. Ya, when I starting talking I was flat out a b*tch. I am actually nice, intelligent, and sweet. But due to my parents abuse, I learned to hide my intelligence, sweetness, and everything that said the real me.

“Uh, Slendy,” the Laughing Jack imposters said slowly, “Why did you bring a b*tch to our home?”

Wait did she just say ‘our’ home? She did! She’s dating Slender man? Wow.

“First off, Hailey, This is not our home, this is my home. Second, I watched her murder a family of three. And finally, Sierra, Hailey, and everyone else, stop being b*tchs and grow up.” Slender man yelled at everyone. I sighed and apologized. Hailey accepted and went to her room and tries to get the makeup off and change. A little girl and a guy in a black mask with red eyes and a red frown were sitting on the floor laugh. Jeff was sitting on the couch mad and his eyes were full of hate and sorrow. A guy dressed like Link was on the couch with Eyeless Jack trying to get him to play a game called ‘Black ops 2’. Masky was sitting next to Jeff crying in his hands. And Slender man was trying to comfort him.

After a few minutes we all heard a scream coming from Hailey’s room; and the girl and the boy laughed harder which I couldn’t help but laugh with them. Hailey came down in a red and black stripped shirt, black skinny jeans and multicolored converse. But her face; oh how can I describe it? She still looked like Laughing Jack.

“Sally! Hoodie! What have you done?” Hailey yelled at the people laughing.

“W-We u-used p-paint a-and h-had y-you s-sit i-in y-your r-room t-till i-it d-dried.” Sally and Hoodie said while still laughing.

“And the nose,” Hailey said putting her hands on her hips.

“W-We u-used s-super g-glue,” they said between laughs. Jeff sot up and yelled, “What! You ruined her beautiful face!”

Wait so Slender man and Hailey are dating, Jeff and Hailey are dating! Phew.

“Jeff! Stay out of this! I learned that you are a good for nothing killer, and rapist! So stop caring for me and let me deal with me! It’s o-v-e-r. Over,” Hailey yelled which Slender man help her back with a tentacle so she didn’t lung at Jeff and try to kill him. Wait Jeff r-raped her. Gulp.

Jeff stood there bewildered. He fell to his knees and broke down crying then he looked at Hoodie. Hoodie was still laughing; then he noticed Jeff and he got up and started to back away. Hailey tried to escape Slender man’s grasp. Jeff had his knife out when he lunged at Hoodie. I heard a scream come from Hailey then sobbing.

“Gag” Jeff choked out as Slender man grabbed his throat and threw him to the ground. Be then he let Hailey go and she ran to Hoodie and held onto him.

(A/N:  I wish I was Hailey, she gets to hug Hoodie T-T)

I felt the urge to kill again but I shoved it away with drove me nuts. I sighed and sat next to BEN; Eyeless Jack handed me his controller and went to knock Jeff out. BEN smirked, “Well, it looks like I can get an easy win.”

I gasped. “Nu-uh! I will win!” I yelled at BEN and he was startled as I killed him in the game.


I finally won and BEN threw his controller to the ground and grunted. “I can’t believe that I, the gaming master, lost. To a 7 foot tall girl!” He yelled. I sat there laughing when Hailey and the rest stared at me. S*it; I let out my gamer side, but mostly who I am.


Almost 2000 veiws/read, over 40 comments, but mostly over 70 votes! I am so happy! I love you guys so much. No homo. I am so happy that you all get free cake! Anyways. You guys rock and is amazing. I need help, should Hoodie and Hailey go out. And Masky and Jeff go out? Then I has a speicial idea for Sierra ^-^'


A psychopathic killer is in love with me! (A Creepypasta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now