Chapter 6

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I am so proud that I have a story that so many people love. I am just gonna say this, I really would like if you would please comment and tell me if I should add something. I don't want to continue this and no one is gonna appreciate it. I have 160 veiws, but 7 comments. I would of expected at least 10-20 comments. Not 7, I know I know, but please make this story be special to me and have something I did by myself. Thank you.

And After June 8th ALL stories will be put on hold until I return the last week on July or in the begining of August. Please don't hate me. I will be missing you all and when I return I WILL have a extra long chapter just for you all! So I have a propsal for you all. I am needing some new charaters but don't know who to add. It can be a creepypasta charater or a charater you created. If the second one message filling out the form:


Age(Must be over 17):

How the met or will meet:



Please be simple and not to elabrate. But enough detail I can have it be perfect! This will be open until June 1st. June 2nd I will post the winners and message them telling them their prize(s). It's a surprise so wow me!

*Okay I was going to add this in the last chapter but instead it's gonna be this chapter! Okay so Jeff and the others are proxies. For more information watch 'The Seer Episode 4'. I might have it to the side if not go to youtube and look it up. I have so many blonde moments when I am not blonde. If you don't know already a proxy is a upholder, just like Maskie and/or Hoody is to Slenderman. I just found that out and wanted to share it to those who don't already know, ya I am a brunette with blonde roots(Just kidding I frosted my hair and people say the hair die went into my head, do I beleive? A little xD). See ya!*

I am also adding AlishaFraiser to my story. When her point of veiw comes up you might be a bit sad. And sorry for the language, I did to show that the girls are bullies and think poorly of different people.


*Hailey's POV*

I smile and say yes. "But how can we go and get pizza when you look like this, you do look beautiful, but others will reconize you and call the cops, then there are the c*ck suckers who will call you ugly. And your not ugly." I ask after I said yes to the pizza. BEN sneaks behind me and scares me causing me to jump. He laughs and then answers for Jeff, "Well for a while Slen-" BEN was cut off by Slendy yelling at him. "Sorry, got to go. Slendy is pissed at me. See ya, bro. Bye sexy!" BEN says before running off to the pissed off Slendy.

"Like I was about to say. Since I am a proxy." He begins before I cut him off. "A proxy?" I ask him still not fully listening to Slenderman's boring lectures he gives me in my sleep. I mean really I had my time of lectures in school which is out and I am a graduate and don't need more school OR lectures I ignore his lectures.

"Ok a proxy is an upholder. You see Maskie really close to Slendy, right?" Jeff begins and ends asking me a question. "Ya I guess so." I answer him after thinking for a few seconds.

"That is because Maskie is Slendy's proxie, his upholder. And Hoodie since Hoody is Maskie's partner he is also Slendy's proxy thing. I am also one of Slendy's proxies, in fact one of his least favorite proxies. So I can disguise my self to look like a human and be able to sneak around hang out in town." He finally finishs. I look at him as a poof of smoke engulfes him. Once the smoke disappeared, there stood Jeff normal looking. I gasp and take a step back. He smiles and there is no gruesome slice just a normal human smile. His eyes had eyelids. His hair was a natural brown and his skin was a normal lightly tanned skin tone. He was gorgours. "Ready to go?" Jeff says graping my hand, his skin wasn't leathery anymore. "Uh, ya." I say taking hold of his hand. He smiles and then we walked to the nearest pizza place.

*Alisha's POV*

I sit in the school's hallway crying. I had scars up arm that no one knew about, and a new one that I just made still bleeding. I take hold of my knife in my pocket and swear to god that I will hunt down Crystal and kill her. I will love the filling of her blood trickling down my mouth, my chin, and my neck when I eat her fricking lungs, that will teach her that I am not some weak, useless, little girl. I am a strong, full of uses, and a killer woman.

"Oh guys look at this slut! She cut herself again, and she is gonna go home and might do suicide. That would be amazing for us!" Crystal barks out to her clique. I cover my arm with my jacket sleeve and wipe the tears from my eyes. "Ya! She isn't worth anything in this world!" Samatha barks back at Crystal. "Go home and die whore!" Ashley says coldy to me. They all laugh and start to walk away.

"Go to hell! You better watch your back!" I scream at them causing them to stop in their tracks. They turn around and walk up to me. Crystal kicks me in the stomach. I cough and throw up a little bit of blood. "Do that again and you will die!" Crystal says before walking away.

I sit there trying to catch my breath. 'Those people don't know what they got them selves into.' I think to myself coldly before getting up and heading to the bathroom and clean up the blood off myself.


I walk to the park and sit on the swings. It was only 6:00 at night and the sun was barely going down. I see Hailey walking with some dude I never seen before. I let her walk with the dude so she could have some time with her 'boyfriend'. I soon see Crystal walking by the park. She spots me and walk right up to me. "Hey whore!" She barks out trying to itimidate me. Then her gang appears behind her. "Hello slut," Samatha says laughing. "Sup bitch!" Ashley say's coldly.

I grab my knife and smile slightly, "Hello girls." I say before getting off the swing. They smile and continue laughing. Ashley throws a punch, but misses. Crystal tries to kick my with her heels but fails. And Samatha tries to push me but pushes herself back instead of me. "If you want me better catch me!" I yell before walking towards the edge of the park by the woods. The girls get to me and smirk. "Looks like we got you." Crystal says grimmly. "Or did you?" I say taking out my knife and slicing Samantha's and Ashley's leg so they can't take off. Crystal stands there in shock. I soon slice her leg and she lets out a muffeled wail of agony. "See you didn't catch me!" I laugh at her. I take the knife and scile each and every one of their necks and drag them into the woods.

I get to a clearing that is always empty. I set each of the bodies up in a row and prepare them fore their lungs to be cut out of their bodies. I drag my knife around the area of their lungs and pull them out. I put them in my pockets except for one of Crystal's. I take a bit out of it and swallows savoring the taste, the blood, the satafation of their mutal death. I hear a rustle comeing from behind one of the bushs. I notice the blood all over me and my mouth. A man wearing a dark blue mask comes out and stares at me with empty black sockets. "Hello." He says. It sent chills down my bak as he neared me. Soon he was right infrount of me and the bodies. "Can I have their kidney's?" He asks me which stunned me for a second or two. "Eye-Eyeless Jack. Yo-You are real." I stumble, "Uh, I guess you can have their kidney's." I finally say. He smiles and cut them out and notice the lungs are missing. "Where are the lungs?" He asks then he saw the blood coving my mouth and blood covered clothing. "Never mind you ate them." He says naturally. "Wanna come to my place and live with me and my friends?" He asks holing out his hands. I noticed he also put the kidney's in his pocket. "S-sure," I say taking his hand. And with that we walked to the house he called home.


Okay. So Alisha wanted to become a killer and kill the people that bullied her. She did. And so If you want to be in the story fill out the form from the beginning of the chapter and message me it. Thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote!

                                                     ♥♪ Twerewolf 'Star' ♫♥

A psychopathic killer is in love with me! (A Creepypasta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now