Chapter 9

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I am so sorry for the wait! I am in a new town and I finnally got a coumputer to use! I will try to update more and get this back running. And...... OVER 1,000 READS AND ALOMST 40 VOTES! OMFG! THIS IS MAGICAL! BEN, Hoodie, Jeff, Slendy, Sally, guys! Look at this this is amazing!


*Tiffany's POV*

I wake up back in the green room and laugh. I sit up and look for my axe. I grab it  and once againg I had another flashback. This wasn't the same flashback it was.... When I first killed someone.


"Tiff! Get back here! I didn't mean it!" I heard as I ran farther and farther away from them. I had blood dripping from my head and puffy red eyes from crying. My best friend, Monica, had pushed me and made my head hit a stone slab cutting it open. It hurt... A lot. I had to grow up and stop crying and stop the bleeding. What can I use? The tear part of my shirt off and push against my head and help it there it till it was done bleeding. I was leaning against a tree when I saw an axe laying near by. I picked it up and felt a urge to kill Monica and her abusive family. I smiled and headed back to her family in the woods. I was invited to go camping with Monica and her family while my mother was out of town. My momther accepted without asking if I wanted to go or not. She knew I feared the woods. I might get her later.


I eventully found Monica and her family. They were sitting around the fire cooking dinner. I then realized it was almost 6 pm. I was missing for almost 7 hours. Wow... Monica was the first to see me and run up to me. I help up the axe and hacked at her. I hit her stomach and she fell to the ground. The parents ran up and cryed to their now dying daughter. I hacked at them and they fell in a pile. I dumped gasoline on them and lite into flames. I stood there laughing then crying. I killed my only friend.I ran home and cleaned the axe up and hide it in the garage. I then cleaned myself up and went to the hospital to heal the wound on my head...

~End of Flashback~I dropped the axe and let a cry of agony. Everyone ran up to me and tryed to figure out what was wrong. "I-I killed my best friend a few months ago.." I cried out. BEN wrapped his arms around me and rocked me and try to sooth me as I kept crying.

*Hailey's POV*

I get up and head to the kitchen where Hoodie was sitting there. Just sitting there. I have to admit I might like him. Only a little, cause I like the silent mysterious guys. I open the fridge and Before I could get the milk out, Hoodie slammed it shut and stared at me. Jeff was in his room getting some sleep that he needed. And Masky was with Slendy training. Jack and Alisha was asleep in their rooms and BEN was still soothing Tiffany. So me and Hoodie was virtually alone. I started back and felt him grab my hand and with the other he moved his mask up just enough so he lips could peak through and kiss me. Which he did. I tryed to resist at first, but gave in and kissed back. And of course Masky walks in with Jeff and they both sees what's happening. Masky walks to Hoodie and slaps him.... Hard. And Jeff... Never mind to explict. Well he raped me. I kept hearing Hoodie yelling at Jeff to stop. Then I passed out when Jeff threw me at a wall.


Sorry It's short. But I updated! So ya. So BEN likes Tiff. What does Tiff think about him? Will Masky, Jeff, Hoodie, and Hailey makeup and be friends again? I don't know you decide! Okay the drill.

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Do it and I will update as soon as I can! Oh and Maraway you are the best and thanks for reading this and all.


A psychopathic killer is in love with me! (A Creepypasta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now