-Ch 32: Paperwork + Breakfasts. [1/2]

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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO  [1/2] : Paperwork + Breakfasts.

“Seriously, Niall, where is my paperwork? I specifically left it on the table when I got home yesterday and I haven’t touched it since.” I complained, stress thick in my tone as I paced around the complete ground floor of the house, checking every room for the crucial paperwork I needed in my possession before I went to work.

“I’ve told you Ashley, I don’t know, if I did know do you not think I would have told you by now?” Niall sighed exhaustingly, folding his right leg over his left as he lounged lazily on the sofa. The TV remote lay idle in his hand as he carelessly flicked through the channels, occasionally popping dry cereal into his mouth.

“Because that’s the kind of thing you would do. Honestly, how can you lie there and be so calm when I cannot find this basically life or death paperwork?” I continued, beginning to violently sift through the various magazines on the coffee table.

“Ash can you move? I can’t see the TV.” He mumbled, and I turned to face him, glaring wickedly.


He sighed again. “Babe, calm down. Unless you’re plotting something illegal on that paperwork I hardly believe it’s life or death. Just tell Valerie or whoever you forgot it, and look it for tonight. Honestly, how is it even possible to make yourself that stressed?”

“No, you don’t understand, I need this paperwork for today, it’s not something you want just anybody to have their hands on.”

“Well then why did you leave it on the coffee table? You should have put it somewhere safer.”

“Like where? I put it on the coffee table because I thought you would know the difference between a magazine and something else, and also so it would be easy to pick up and take in the morning. But that doesn’t exactly work when it’s not there.”

“I haven’t touched it Ashley, I don’t even know what it looks like…For all you know that George kid could have picked it up, he was here last night, was he not?”

“He was in Ellie’s room, notably a whole floor away from this spot right here. Why would he have picked it up?”

Niall shrugged. “I don’t know, he had some textbooks on this table or something, maybe he picked up your paperwork with them by accident, I don’t know.”

“You’re kidding, right? He could be anywhere right now; in fact he’s probably in college right now, with his textbooks that quite frankly any college kid could pick up. What am I even saying? I don’t even know him, how the hell I am supposed to approach the conversation of, oh, sorry to bother you but you may or may not have some life or death paperwork of mine in that biology textbook, mind checking the index for me? This is terrible, seriously, Valerie’s gonna kill me.”

“Ash, you’re stressing so much about this and it really isn’t healthy. Calm down, you have buckets of time. Have something to eat or whatever, bets on you haven’t eaten yet today?”

I looked at him tiredly, I did somewhat envy how resistant he was to stress, taking everything in his stride. He never seemed to worry about anything, which was sometimes a bad thing, but for the most part it was an incredibly good thing. “I don’t understand how you can sit there so casually when you have work today too, shouldn’t you be showering or something?”

“Just because I have work, it doesn’t mean I’m actually going anywhere. The boys are coming here, we’re writing at the moment.”

“You’re joking, when are they coming?”

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