The Vengeance games

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A/N: INSPIRATION! Tell me if you want more of it :) If you don't like crazy people, do not read for cause of your own sanity :) XOXOX gummy Bears

Alister Benette --------->



I emptied the last bit of oil around the beautiful mansion. That could have been my home too but Alister didn't want that now did he? I extracted a small match box from my pocket. Oh well, he was paying for that at this very moment. Striking the match and throwing it at the house, I closed my eyes. A tear slipped out of my left eye. It could have been different, if he had stayed.... but he didn't.... Opening my limpid brown eyes, I smiled as the red tongues of destruction, licked hungrily at the house. A smile spread across my face....Let the games begin.....

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