Chapter Ninteen

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Holly and Grace wound their way through the throng of New Years Eve revellers before finding a spot just big enough for the two of them.

"Isn't this great?!" Grace smiled excitedly.

Holly glanced around. The room was immaculately dressed with black and silver decor. The ceiling glowed a contrasting hot pink colour that made everyone look far more merry than they actually were. Holly nodded enthusiastically to her friend. She had to admit it was pretty good.

Gary and Mark had returned to the bar, Mark liking the look of the whiskey Gary had had in his hand. Mark had engaged a Japanese business man who spoke perfect English in conversation. Gary smiled to himself. Mark could find common ground with anyone, it was a real talent.

"I'm going to the bar" Holly said loudly to Grace as the music pumped on. The alcohol was starting to blur the edges and her throat felt dry; she needed some water.

"I'll be here" Grace said nodding, her silver dress swishing around as she moved to the music.

Gary leant on the bar, his right arm propping him up as he faced in to Mark and the Japanese business man, Hiro. Hiro had asked what Mark did for a living. Gary, never one to miss a conversation about music eagerly joined their discussion.

"Just a water please" Holly said as she leant over the bar. The barman looked slightly disappointed he wasn't going to get the chance to show off his practiced cocktail making skills but dutifully went to get the water.

As she waited Holly glanced up the bar. It was full with mainly men having intense looking conversations. Her eyes fell on a blonde man with his back to her leaning on the bar. Not that she was looking for any more men to complicate her life but she couldn't help but admire the fitted suit he was wearing and the way his trousers clung around his arse.

The bar man placed the water on the bar in front of her and Holly drank deeply from it before returning to Grace on the dance floor.


Midnight grew ever closer and anticipation fizzled in the air. Gary and Mark lingered on the periphery of the dance floor as Mark relayed once more how happy he was the band were back together. Gary nodded enthusiastically and opened his mouth to respond when he was stopped in his tracks. Over Mark's shoulder he caught a glimpse of a red haired girl with porcelain skin. Gary looked again, ignoring Mark's questioning glances.

Holly turned as Grace pulled her along out of the throng of revellers. Holly's heart pounded in her chest as she saw him, standing in the other side of the dance floor. Grace tugged at her hand but when Holly didn't move she looked around, following Holly's eye line to where Gary stood.

Holly heard Grace's sharp intake of breath and it reminded her she had to breathe. Their eyes locked across the room and Holly smiled at him, all her feelings for him rushing to the forefront before she remembered she'd left him stranded on her doorstep. Yesterday she'd wanted to say so much to him, to apologise, to explain, but now, presented with the opportunity, she panicked, she couldn't do it. Her face fell, she adverted her gaze and hurried off, disappearing in the crowd.

Mark had watched Gary's face go through so many emotions in such a short space of time. Shock, delight, apprehension, disappointment.

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