Chapter Seven

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Despite her nagging hangover, Holly was up early on Boxing Day. Jess even commented on it when she entered the kitchen fully dressed.

Danny had text Holly just as she'd climbed in to bed in the small hours of the morning.

I hate sleeping without you xxx

Holly almost threw her phone across the room. He'd spent plenty of time sleeping without her and most likely sleeping with someone else.

Holly had spent most of the night tossing and turning, waking regularly from dreams she couldn't quite remember. Dreams full of beautiful sandy haired strangers singing softly to her, beckoning her like a siren.

Gary rolled over in bed, the weak early morning winter sun dappling his face. He smiled for no apparent reason, his arms above his head as he stretched. He felt surprisingly good given the amount of alcohol he'd drank yesterday. He sprang out of bed and headed for the shower with a spring in his step. He had a feeling today was going to be a good day.

"Are you going somewhere?" Holly's father asked eyeing the boots on her feet as she lingered at the bay window in the living room.

"Maybe..." Holly said distractedly, straining to see past the limit of the window. Holly's father stared at her for a moment before deciding it was probably best not to ask. Having lived in a house full of women he'd come to realise that it was always best not to ask.

Gary bounded down the stairs, humming to himself.

"You're chipper this morning" his mother said somewhat surprised.

"The big game today!" Gary said excitedly, rubbing his hands together. Going to the football was a Barlow Boxing Day tradition.

"Keep an eye on your father. Don't let him get too excited, his blood pressure is through the roof!"

Gary gave his mother a reassuring smile as he reached for Honey's lead.

Holly's fingers drummed on the window sill. Where was he? She hoped she hadn't missed him. Holly waited somewhat impatiently for another ten minutes, never taking her gaze from the window.

"Aunty Holly?" Ella questioned.

"Yes sweetheart" Holly responded, briefly looking down at Ella who had joined her watch.

"What you doing?"

Holly caught sight of her grin in the reflection of the window.

"Waiting" Holly said, growing impatient.

"What for?" Ella asked her brow furrowed.

Holly hesitated, glancing down at Ella again. How could she explain this to a four year old?

As her gaze returned to the street, Holly's heart hammered hard in her chest. There he was.

"Him!" Holly said urgently to Ella, dashing in to the hall and grabbing her coat.

Gary looked at number Fifteen out of the corner of his eye as he walked past. The house looked much like any other on this street. He didn't know what he was hoping to see.


He was hoping to see her.

Holly raced to catch up with Gary. As she reached him she slowed her pace, her appearance casual; nonchalant.

"You know" she started, slipping her arm in to the crook of his and falling in to step beside him "I don't think I ever thanked you for rescuing me"

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