Chapter Eight

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"So what does a pop star get under his tree on Christmas morning then?" Holly said as their footfalls hit the cold ground in unison.

There it was again. She knew who he was, yet it hadn't seemed to change how she was with him. He brushed it off as he had done previously.

"This coat from me mum, some socks, selection box, chocolate orange..."

It all seemed so normal. Holly was a little disappointed if she was honest, although she conceded a luxury yacht would be a nightmare to wrap.

"Oh and a Platinum disc of the album from the record company."

Holly grinned. There it was, the pop star Christmas present!

Gary slowed his pace. Their lap of the field was coming to an end and he racked his brain for a way to prolong their time together.

Holly's pace slowed as his did; the inevitable end approaching. Reluctance coursed through her. She felt something for this man, she'd felt it ever since he'd tapped on the car window and asked if she was OK. She wasn't sure if she believed in love at first sight, it was so cliche; so fairytale. Danny loomed dark on the horizon of her thoughts; like the villain of the piece. Holly wondered whether these feelings for Gary were some sort of manifestation of everything she'd ever wanted from Danny and never got? Were her feelings real or just a mere rebound? Gary deserved far more than a messed up rebound. Holly sighed and placed her head gently on Gary's shoulder.

She'd been quiet for sometime, he wondered what she was thinking. Was she thinking about the ex boyfriend? Was she thinking about him? Gary almost tensed when she laid her head on his shoulder. It had been unexpected but not unwelcome. Instinctively he titled his head, resting it against hers. Gary sighed. This felt so right.

"I should get back" Holly said resigned to the fact she'd have to leave him. "My aunt and uncle are coming over."

Gary nodded. "I'm going to the football with me dad and brother"


All too soon Gary was stood at Holly's garden gate. Holly smiled somewhat shyly at him.

"Thanks for the company" Gary said taking an almost imperceptible step closer to her.

"Pleasure..." Holly said, her hand on his forearm. She exhaled deeply, the scent of him drifting up from his scarf she was still wearing.

Gary noticed Holly's lips part as she exhaled. Her eyes holding his captive. Did she want him to kiss her? He definitely wanted to kiss her. And for the second time that afternoon, he shuffled closer to her, anticipation rushing through him.

"AUNTY HOLLY" Ella screeched from just inside the threshold of the house, the front door wide open.

This kid sure did have impeccable timing! Holly gave a small chuckle as she turned to Ella questioningly, her eyebrow raised.

"I WANTED TO PLAY SNOWBALLS TOO!" Ella shouted, letting the whole street know.

Both Holly and Gary laughed. He had the kind of laugh that could cause fairies to be born just with a mere titter.

Jess hurried from inside the house.
"Stop screaming..." Jess said before trailing off at seeing Holly with Gary. "Come in the house" Jess said dragging Ella away and shooting Holly an apologetic look.

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