Chapter Fourteen

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Gary turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. The car stereo glowed with a welcoming blue hue as the car filled with music. Strains of a piano introduction preceded a voice as delicious as molten chocolate.

Gary's finger quickly hit a button on the stereo, the music stopped immediately and a CD slid slowly in to view. Written on the circular silver surface in black scrawl was 'B-Sides?'.

"Was that you?" Holly questioned eyeing the disc before turning to Gary, intrigued, her eyes wide and expectant.

"Yeah" Gary said a little embarrassed at having been caught listening to his own song. Slowly, he pulled away from the kerb.

"Most people will hear this in their cars so you have to make sure you get the mix right. The sound quality of car stereo's isn't great so you have to get the balance right. The production can't overwhelm the vocals and vice versa." Gary offered by way of an explanation.

Holly was gazing at him, she had no idea what he was talking about but he spoke with such passion that it was hard not to be captivated by him. Holly smiled at him as he turned left out of their road.

"Can we listen to it?" Holly questioned, her delicate finger not waiting for an answer as it pushed the CD back in to the car stereo.

Gary shrugged his shoulders. Jennifer had never seemed particularly keen to listen to his music. He'd come home excited by a day in the studio, eager for her to listen to what they'd done. She'd always shrug and say she didn't know anything about music. She never understood that it wasn't about knowledge, it was about emotion and feeling. Eventually, a little despondent from her ambivalence, he stopped making her listen. He liked that Holly actually seemed interested in his music.

The piano introduction she had heard before started again and she shifted, in her seat, sitting a little straighter, as she concentrated, absorbing the melody.

Gary gripped the steering wheel harder as he anticipated the moment she'd hear his voice through the car speakers. He felt unusually nervous.

You must think I'm crazy, think that I'm a fool

Out of the corner of his eye he tried to gauge her reaction. She'd most likely be polite when the song finished, saying how she liked it but he wanted to know what she really thought. He wanted to watch her face as she listened.

A smile crept across Holly's face as Gary's voice continued to sing. Her head bobbed along in time to the beat as she allowed the music to envelope her.

His voice rang out from the tinny in-car speakers. Sure she'd heard Patience on the radio before but this was the first time she'd ever actually listened to him, to his voice. It was breathtaking. The cadences of his voice taking her on a rollercoaster.

You tell me how you're feeling, I'm sure I'll feel the same

Holly heard him sing the words, almost as if he daring her to tell him how she felt, reassuring her he'd feel the same. Would he though? It was a gamble, one she wasn't willing to bet on. Holly bit her bottom lip rather than be honest.

Gary rolled to a stop at a set of traffic lights on the outskirts Winterley. The song was building. He unashamedly looked at her.

Oooooohhh I don't ever want to come down

He was sure he'd heard her breath hitch in her throat. He listened to her breathing, tuning in to above the music.

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