Chapter Two

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Gary sat in the trail of cars snaking North, their red brake lights casting a warm glow on his face. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to an unheard beat. The radio was on but the volume so low it was barely audible.

Gary turned the volume up using his thumb on the radio controls on the steering wheel. The opening chords of White Christmas issued from the speakers. Gary recognised it instantly. Holly popped involuntarily in to his mind. He knew nothing of her save for her name, her ex boyfriend's taste in cars and that this was her favourite Christmas song. She was practically a stranger and yet he thought of her as he listened to Bing Crosby, and he smiled.

It shouldn't matter that he'd never see her again. Strangers cross paths all the time and think nothing more of it, yet here he was wondering if she was still sat on the hard shoulder with the AA man and somehow it did seem to matter that he wouldn't see her again. An odd sensation stirred in his stomach. Gary dismissed it as hunger. When was the last time he ate?

The traffic started to move and Gary caught sight of the exit he needed up ahead. Winterley. Three miles.


Holly looked at her watch impatiently as the AA man took his time changing her tyre. He was talking constantly. At her rather than to her; barely waiting for her uninterested responses. Her fingers felt the smooth edge of her phone in her pocket.

She was torn. Part of her wanted to ring Danny and shout furious curse words at him down the phone.
He's probably too preoccupied with the owner of the pink thong to answer Holly thought bitterly to herself, a stab of sadness piercing her heart. Holly pulled her coat tighter around her and took a defiant breath in. She was not going to let Danny ruin her Christmas. Although standing on the side of the M6 for any longer might!

"All done" the AA man said rubbing his hands together. Holly swiftly thanked him and jumped back into the car, starting the engine before he could delay her with anymore of his idle chat.

Holly glanced quickly at the now empty passenger seat; the car suddenly felt so much bigger than it had before. She turned the heat up and pulled on to the motorway.

Gary turned on to Bedford Drive just as the snow started to fall more insistently. The window of number Thirty-Three emitted a warm and welcoming glow. A Christmas tree, lights aglow, could be seen through the window as he pulled on to the drive. Stood in the bay window with a mug in hand was his mother. Through the glass Gary saw a look of relief cross her face as she watched him pull up.

Gary was greeted with an almost bone crushing embrace from his mother. "Where have you been?" His mother demanded as Gary attempted to get through the front door.

"I stopped to help a woman who'd broken down." Gary informed her as his brother pulled him into an equally crushing hug.

"A woman?" His mother questioned raising an eyebrow. This was the first time Gary had even mentioned anyone of the opposite sex since Jennifer had walked out on him the previous Christmas. His father threw a warning glance to his wife as he pulled his son in to a tight embrace. His mother put her hands up in surrender and disappeared to the kitchen to make tea.

The snow was falling at an ever increasing rate and her windscreen wipers swished furiously across the screen as Holly strained to read the road sign. Winterley. Three miles.

Holly indicated and moved into the left lane ready to exit. Excitement bubbled in Holly's belly at the thought of how close she was to home. It had been six months since she'd been home last; her mother had reminded her of the fact in a recent phone call.

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