Chapter Fifteen

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Holly watched Gary's profile out of the corner of her eye as they continued to travel South. Gary hadn't said anything since he'd thanked her for the coffee and worry weighed heavy in her stomach. She knew she'd crossed a line when she'd asked about his ex. Holly fidgeted with her hands, the pad of her index finger tapping furiously against her thumb nail.

The radio was on, Crazy by Gnarls Barkley, one of the big hits of the year, playing softly in the background.

Day was surrendering to night and Gary watched the light fade on the road ahead of him. He was acutely aware that talk of Jennifer had killed their conversation. On the periphery of his vision her could see her finger was tapping repeatedly against her thumb like she was tapping out some sort of morse code. He smiled, he too fidgeted with his hands. Holly looked pensive as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Penny for them?" Gary said, glancing at Holly briefly before returning his eyes to the road.

His voice took her a little by surprise and she felt the delicate hairs on her arms stand on end.

"I was thinking that you're quiet." Holly said resting the back of her head against the headrest whilst she looked at him, awaiting his response.

A small smile danced at his lips before he answered.

"I'm still sulking that you wouldn't let me buy the coffee!" Gary said lightly, readjusting his grip on the steering wheel as he flashed her that boyish grin.

Holly chuckled as relief washed over her; her dumb mouth hadn't fucked things up.

The headlights of oncoming cars seemed to highlight Gary's large manicured hands gripping the steering wheel. Holly studied the prominent vein that ran across the back of his palm out of the corner of her eye. What the hell was she doing? She'd never even studied Danny's hands in this much detail. Holly turned away and looked out the window.


Gary pulled up to the kerb that Holly had indicated to and put the hand break on with a clunk of finality. He gripped the key in the ignition and turned, instantly silencing the hum of the engine. This was it, she was almost gone. Unease settled in his stomach. Would he put his heart on the line or would he let her walk away?

"That's me." Holly said pointing up to the dark second floor of a pretty four storey Victorian building, as she unclasped her seat belt.

Gary nodded but he barely glanced at the building; he was looking at her. The glow of a street light shone down on them and he wanted to take the time to study her face in the lamplight. The warm orange glow highlighted her features and made her red hair seem even more vivid.

Holly sat stock still in the passenger seat. This was it. She looked at him, trying to commit him to memory. Sure, she'd likely see him on the TV or in papers but he'd never look like this, like he did now, with his sparkling green eyes, ruffled hair and small smile.

Silence enveloped the car. Gary turned slowly to Holly. She was looking at him with a hint of reluctance and maybe perhaps a little longing in her eyes but when he caught her gaze she smiled shyly and looked away. If he didn't say something she'd smile sweetly and thank him for the lift.

"Thank you for bringing me home" she said softly, glancing at him once more, her smile not quite reaching her eyes and she waited for him to brush off his kindness.

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