Leah Morgans

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Happy New Years! Sorry I'm updating this late. I hope you like it!

Hi, I'm Leah Morgans. I'm 36 years old and am a teacher for 2nd grade. In my class, there are twins. Zoë and Luke Jackson. Honestly, I don't see how they are related. They look the exact opposite and Zoë is very smart and on task but Luke isn't that smart and gets distracted and is very distracting and sometimes crazy. As I grade through the pre-tests. (Tests before they've learned that subject.) I got to Zoë's, again, she got 100%...on a PRE-test. She was also the first person to finish the test. She could be cheating. But she's such a good girl. I'm going to call her parents and schedule a meeting just in case. I pick up my phone and call their mom, Annabeth. "Hello, this is mrs. Morgans. I'm Zoë and Luke's teacher. Is this Annabeth Jackson?" I say.

"Yes this is, what is the reason you are calling me?" An official and authorized voice replied in the phone.

"Um, your kids have caused some minor troubles in class. Can we please schedule a meeting. Maybe 5 'o'clock tonight?" I said trying to muster up as much authority in my voice as Annabeth.

"Yes that will work. I will have to move my schedule but that will be fine. Can I bring my other kids and Zoë and Luke?" She said, losing some authority at the end because she was talking about her family.

"Yes you can. I would like your husband to be there too." Oops. I shouldn't have said that. What if she's divorced or she doesn't have one.

"Ok, I will see you at 5, see you then. Good bye." She said and hung up.
------time skip to a little before the meeting-----

I sat at my desk fidgeting. Wondering what they will look like. Maybe 35 or 40 year old parents? Maybe two other kids? Then, a young woman, about 27 and a man the same age walked in with Luke and Zoë. The woman was holding a one year old girl, and the man was holding a two and a half year old boy. Then three other kids walked in shouting at each other. "Charlie! You could've held the door open instead of slamming it in my face!"

"Well," the boy who I'm assuming is Charlie said,"Silena did it!" and pointed at her.

She looked up from humming softly. "I was in the middle of it but now i'm out. I'm not gonna shout and argue about it." The girl and Charlie began to argue again. Even though it sounds like they were Zoë and Luke's age, they weren't. Silena and Charlie were only 4 and the girl was 5 1/2.

"Bianca," The woman said not shouting but firmly. "I saw Charlie accidentally close the door and it happened to be when you were going to walk in. I'm sure he'd be happy to explain how the door works. But Charlie, don't blame your sister. Thanks Silena for staying out if it." Then she looked at me. "I'm sorry about that. Are you mrs. Morgans?"

"Yes," I said questionably. Who was this?

"I'm Annabeth and this is my husband Percy. This is Elizabeth but we call her Ellie." She said motioning to the girl she was holding. "And this is Castor," she said motioning to Percy's arms. "And this is Charlie, Silena, and Bianca." I stared at them with a shocked face. I would expect them to be at LEAST thirty. And they have FIVE other kids.

"Um, yes. You can come over here." I said motioning to my desk. "Maybe you can put you kids over there," I said pointing to the other side I'd the room, "and maybe Percy can watch them?"

"Oh, it's fine." Percy said. He turned to Zoë and said something is a different language. He and Annabeth put down the child they were holding. Zoë nodded and brought the other kids to the other side of the room. "So what's the problem?"

"Well, Luke gets distracted easily and distracts other people. Sometimes he just stands up in the middle if class and takes something off my desk." I said.

"Okay, we're sorry about that. We'll talk to him. But the getting distracted part is because he has ADHD. Is there anything else?" they said concerned.

"Well, this one I'm not so sure about. Zoë has been getting the highest scores on all tests even pre-tests. Now I don't think Zoë would do such a thing but she might be cheating." I said worried about there reactions of me accusing their daughter of cheating.

"I'll explain this," Percy said with a smile. "You see, Annabeth is the smartest person I know. She's like a super genius and I think some of her smart genes got past down to Zoë. She was definitely not cheating."

"Oh, okay." I said a bit shocked. "Do you think she would fit in another grade up? I have papers that you can fill out if you want to."

"Um," Annabeth said and looked at Percy. "Zoë!" she called. Zoë came over. "How do you feel about going into a third grade class."

"That sounds great. No more annoying Luke and more challenging homework. But sadly no more mrs. Morgans." Zoë said and smiled at me I smiled back. They signed the papers and left. As they left the door I saw Annabeth scolding Luke. They really are an amazing family.

That's how I met percabeth and their seven kids.

Hi! how's life. I was thinking if I could do a demigods in high school. What do you think? Please comment if you want me to. Bye peeps😛

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