Sarah Falem

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A/N isn't my dog adorable. Also if you have any questions about the story or me please post them here➡️
And I will answer them if I feel comfortable to do so.

Sarah's P.o.V.
Hi! I am Sarah Falem. I go to Goode High School and Percy Jackson is one of my best friends and crush. Well, who wouldn't have a crush on the hottest, nicest, coolest guy in school. All the popular girls asked him out but he said no and he has a girlfriend in San Francisco. No one believes him but I'm not sure what I think. Our friend group, Percy, me, Molly, and Louis. Molly and Louis are dating.

Molly is petite for her age, she has caramel tightly ringed hair and warm, brown, almond eyes. She's one of the younger students in the grade and is very enthusiastic. She is also my best friend.

Louis plays football and has a nice tan and lightbrown hair that covers his blue eyes.

I am average height and have medium length brown hair and have a lot of freckles on my face but not too much. My eyes change color but keep the Amber speck right above my pupils.

And Percy,... Percy's tall and has windswept raven black hair and those sea green eyes that you can get lost in and abs, everyone knows that he has abs because he's captain of the swim team. He has a great tan and... Aargh focus Sarah, so as I was saying, that's us.

We keep arguing if this girl, Annabeth, Percy keeps talking about, is real. It goes like this. Louis: I bet she's not real, do you have a picture. Percy: not with me at school. Molly: see, you proved yourself, she isn't real. Me(silent.)
Since Luis and Molly are dating and Percy and I are single, well... Maybe Percy, they say that we should go out and I secretly agree.

Now that I introduced me and my friends in a very long way, I'll get on to what we are doing right now.
These are our schedules
Me. |Percy. |Louis. |Molly
Math. |Science. |English. |History
Science|. English. |History. |English
Greek. |Greek. |Greek. |Greek
English|. History. |PE. |PE
Tech. |Math. |Tech. |Science
History|. Marine biology. |Math. |Math
PE. |PE. |Science. |Tech

Right now we are in Greek all together because we have the same period. Mr. Peterson asked,"Can any one name any of the major Greek gods?" Percy's hand shot up so fast that he could have dislocated his shoulder.

He's really, really, really good at Greek and marine biology, but he's HORRIBLE at every thing else. Except maybe his looks and those dreamy sea green eyes..."Sarah! Sarah! You dreaming about Jackson again?" Molly whisper shouted to me. She's the only on that knows about my crush.

"Maybe." I said while blushing.

Then Percy said, "Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis, Dionysus, Hera, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Ares, Demeter, and Hermes." He finished.

"Good job Mr. Jackson," Mr. Peterson said, "Find a partner and discuss 1 major and 1 minor god."

"Hey Percy, wanna be partners?" I said looking over at him.

"Sure, Molly and Louis are probably going to be partners." And they were. So I think we should do Poseidon or Athena and then maybe Iris or Hestia."

Since I didn't know as much as he did, I let him take lead. "You choose."

"Kay. Poseidon and... Iris."(*cough*wheat germ tea*cough*)

We worked on that for a while then the bell rang. "A three paragraph essay about the major god that you discussed is due in two days. Good luck!" Then everyone went to lunch.
"I'm going to ask him out." I told Molly while walking to the lunch room. We got there and the girl with honey blonde hair with Princess curls and stormy Grey eyes was sitting where we normally sit. Percy walked up to her and sat down next to her with a shocked expression on his face as he looked at her. She instantly made me feel jealous. He replaced his shocked face with those lopsided grins.

"Hi, my name is Percy. This is sarah, Molly, and Louis."
"Hi, I'm Annabeth. Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Wise girl." Percy said with a smile.

"Seaweed brain," Annabeth said leaning in and giving Percy a short but sweet kiss on the lips.

"Guys, this is my very real girlfriend, Annabeth." Surprisingly my eyes didn't tear up. They were such a cute couple and I don't like disturbing love.

"They always don't think I'm real." Annabeth muttered.

Molly whispered to me, "I heard Cooper has a crush on you. He's cute."

That's how I met Percabeth.

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