Chapter 16 - Encounter

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You are a mind reader!!!

If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. ~William McFee


Chapter 16 - Encounter

"Anything wrong?" Matt finally asked rather worriedly.

"N-no... I just need to... go to the wash room." I replied furtively eyeing on the spot where the tall stranger vanished.

I could not be mistaken. I'd recognize his lanky figure, his crooked nose, soot-colored hair and those eyes with a disturbed air about it that would, in occasion, haunt me in my sleep. He was that guy in the trench coat and bowler hat who stalked me a few days ago. I thought it was just some joke or some pervert fancy to scare girls, but if what I saw today was not a total coincidence, then I could presume that he was indeed, after me.

The thought gave me a shudder as I held onto the table for to steady my feet then rushed to the ladies' room where I could hyperventilate without questioning eyes.

I looked at myself in the lavatory mirror and found my ashen face panic-stricken. Who was that man? What could he possibly see in me that he's after? The fear that struck me made my legs tremble as nausea gripped on my stomach. What should I do?

Calm down. I told myself as I doused my face with cold water just to clear my head in an effort to pacify the panic that brewed inside my chest. You're not alone. He can't do you any harm. Or could he? Would he hurt Becky too? And Leon? No! Not Leon.

I wiped my face dry and decided to go back. Maybe I should tell them. That seemed to be the best idea just in case that weird guy appeared again.

As I wheeled back to the table, I saw him again. The weird guy walked slowly toward my direction, the perverseness in his eyes more terrifying as he closed in with an intent glare.

I took a few steps in retreat, only to find my back against the door of the washroom. I could've screamed, but no one would probably hear me. Leon and the others were seated at the other end of the hall; they couldn't have seen me fleeing.

The hallway to the comfort rooms were narrow and could only let a single person pass at a time so I rummaged inside my brain for possible other ways to escape. My luck might've all ran out because I can barely move my feet in fear.

"What's yer name missy," he spoke to me cautiously inching his foot toward my direction so that we were just two arms' length apart. His voice was quite rough with an accent that wasn't familiar to me. I looked defiantly into his eyes and found that they were very similar to a fish's... no like a goat that seemed to focus on opposite directions with a slightest angle at the same time.

"W-who are you? Why do you keep on following me?" I retorted with a false bravery that was betrayed only by my voice.

"Oh, nothin' personal, missy. Jush bushnes," the man growled as he uncoordinatedly shuffled closer.

"Get away from me or I'll scream!" I threatened him only to be answered by a horrifying grin that revealed a set of yellowish teeth.

"No one would hear you," he rumbled.

With an awkward flit, he was able to come within reach of my hand and upon seeing his chance, grabbed my arm with his bony hands.

"You are shumthin. He wush right." He sniggered menacingly as I writhed frantically against his grip.

"Let me go!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs praying to god that someone heard me. His clutch numbed by arm with intense force. "What do you want from me?" I demanded as he tried to grab my other arm.

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