Who Knew

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Hey guys our first story is to @lucky13_93. Her stories inspired us to write our own. Apologies in advance if the chapter is rough, again it's our first story.  


Chapter 1 

"Ty where are my white wedges? I left them at the front door yesterday and now there not there." 

"There next to your Toms. I had to move them because of Marshall."  

Unlike me Tyler always knew where everything was. I wasn't that bad at finding things but when you were being rushed out of the apartment and had a tendency to not see things that were right in front of you tyler came in handy.  

"Thanks" I yelled back.  

Whenever we had a late night out I had a tendency to just spend the night at Tyler's. It was nothing romantic. We weren't a couple, just really close friends. We have been best friends since what feels like the beginning of time and tell each other everything. Basically if you looked up the words "Best Friend" in the dictionary you would see a picture of the two of us. 

"No problem" he said while walking to the front door. "Are you ready to go now my parents are excepting us at five and it's already four thirty." 

" Ya lets go. But just for record it takes time to look this good!" I said while moving my hand up and down to show off my blue dress.  

Locking the door behind him he laughed and mumbled something under his breath but I didn't catch it. 

Driving in the car with Tyler was one of my favourite things to do. It could be completely quite or the loudest car on the road but it would never be awkward or uncomfortable. After being around him for five minutes you learn that Ty is a social butterfly and that there is never any social catastrophe that he can't fix. Also he could talk his way out of anything. That being the main reason why I could never stay mad at him.  

When Ty was driving I would always stair out the window and get lost in thought. Somehow I always started thinking about how far we had come. Tyler and I had been friends for twelve years but it always felt like just yesterday was the first day we met.


"Hockey is a way better sport then soccer ask anyone. When someone falls over in a soccer game they start crying for their mommy's but hockey players take it like men!", 

"The only reason people watch hockey is because it's a pretty boy sport." Luke yelled back.  

"Your absolute right, it's not the anticipation of who's going to win or the fights or the fact that hockey players are talented or anything. It's all looks."  

For once in his life Luke was speechless and for that I made a mental note to thank the voice coming from the boy behind me that I didn't know. When Luke and his group of friends walked away I turned to thank the unknown boy but before I could he already had an outstretched hand.  

"Hi I'm Tyler." 

"Hi I'm Mia." I said shaking his hand. "Thanks for stepping in and shutting up Luke." 

"Well as a hockey player I had to stand up for myself and as a fan, we need to stick up for each other. Not that there's a shortage of us but standing together makes us stronger." Said Tyler.  

Twelve years old and I already knew that we would become best friends, even if he was four years older then me.  

(End Flashback)

I smile spread on my face. Thinking back to that day always made me laugh. 

"Hello earth to Mia!" 

"What?" Wow I do get really deep in thought. 

"I have been talking to myself for like a good ten minutes." 

"Sorry Ty." 

"It's cool. You were totally thinking about me I get it I'm dreamy and everyone wants a piece of me." 

Did I also mention that he has a huge ego? 


"Hey Marchy said it not me." 

"Why am I not surprised. So Ty, I still don't understand why you can't drag one of the million girls you bring home every night to dinner at your parents. What makes you think I want to come?. My boyfriend is going to start getting suspicious." 

Tyler laughed from across the car still starring at the road ahead.  

"1. Because your my best friend, 2. Because my parents and sisters love you and you love them, 3. You don't have a boyfriend.... And 4. Because I like you better then those other girls." 

He added with that playful grin that i loved knowing that that would make me stay for dinner. 

He was right, as much as I didn't want to admit it sometimes, we were best friends. And I liked to think that I was a little classier then the puck bunnies he brought home almost every night.  

Usually it was the same routine whenever we went to Tyler's parents for dinner but tonight there was something off. "You okay?" I asked before getting out of the car.  

"Yeah I'm good. Why?" 

"You seem a little tense. Is Jackie making her famous meatloaf again?" 

Tyler chuckled. "No, my mom just wants me to start settling down. But I'm not ready for that yet. I don't know if ill ever be ready for that at any point in my life." 

"One day Ty, don't worry." 

"For now though if she mentions anything just say I've met someone but you aren't sure if its serious. Okay?" 

"Sure, you know I always got your back." I wasn't a huge fan of lying to Jackie but as long as Tyler would eventually tell her I was okay with going with the plan." 

"Thanks." He said while opening the car door. "Well here goes nothing."


Sorry it's short and not that great guys it is our first story, but we promise to make it better. Feel free to leave any comments or if you have any suggestions to make the story better by all means please share.

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