Drunky the Echidna

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Warning: Mature content

Knuckles burped when he finishes his burger. He was still a little disappointed that Sonic couldn't join him for evening out at Meh Burger. His best friend loved to eat here, but because he have to help Tails in the workshop, he couldn't. As he was about to leave, he sees a couple guys, a chimp and a cat, laughing uncontrollably. Their faces were bright pink, and they looked unusually happy. In their hands, they're holding a bottle of some kind drink. As they talked, they sound like if they were talking in the sleep, except that also hiccuped as they talked. "Hey man- *hic* do you think that- *hic* our wives will- *hic* find out about this?" "Not- *hic* unless they find out!" They busted out laughing and slammed their fists on the tables. As they looked up one of them says, "You, come here." He pointed at Knuckles. "Me?" "Yeah, you." He says. Knuckles walks up to the chimp that was calling him. "You want a drink? It will help ya relax yourself."

"Uh, okay." Knuckles grabbed the bottle took a little peak at it. It doesn't look like the sodas he drinks. Maybe it is a new kind? He took a large sip, but accidentally swallowed the drink when he realized that it tasted horrible. "Ugh! What the heck is this?!" Knuckles asked, disgusted over what he just drank. "Ha! You never tried that before. You'll get used to it." the cat said, and sipped his drink.

Knuckles gave it a few more sips. He felt a little buzz, and then felt somewhat....relaxed. He couldn't think straight though, but he felt so good. "What is this stuff?" he asks in a drowsy way. The chimp turned to him, "That my friend, is whiskey."


"Knuckles? Knuckles!" Sonic called out to his friend as he walked down the shore at night. When he was about call out again, he sees a red figure walking weirdly far away from him. "Knux?" "Hey Sonic! What's up?" He says. He is unexpectedly happy for some reason. Sonic ran up to him. He was confused over the unusual behavior Knuckles is having. "Uh Knux? Are you okay?" "Yep! I feel so good right now. *Hic* I met this guy- *hic* at Meh- burger, and offered me this drink. It tastes- *hic* weird though." Sonic was puzzled. "What drink-" He sees a brown bottle in Knuckles' hand.

Sonic's eyes widened. "YOU DRANK WHISKEY?!" "Is that what it is?" Knuckles asks, and held the bottle up. Sonic took the bottle and threw it aside. Sonic groaned in stress. "C'mon. Let's get you to Tails' house." He grabs one of Knuckles' arms and starts dragging him. He turns on his communicator, and calls for Tails. "Yeah?" "Tails. Can Knuckles spend the night at your house?" "Why?" Tails asks. Sonic responded, "Knuckles did something none of us would do." "Kareoke night?" Tails asks. "What? No!" Sonic shouts, "he got drunk." "What?! Why? He never does that. I'll stay over at the workshop so that things don't get crazy." Tails reassured and hung up.

As Sonic kept on walking, Knuckles spoke, "Did I ever tell you that you look cute in that scarf?" Sonic blushed a little. "Uh thanks." "And- *hic* did I ever told you that you are cute?" Knuckles says, not realizing what he is saying. Sonic blushed even more. He hopes that Knuckles is saying all of those things, besides, he is drunk.

When they made it to Tails house, Sonic opened the door, and dragged the drunk echidna inside. "Here ya go Knuckles." Right when he was about to leave, Knuckles grabs his arm. "Hey, where ya- *hic* going?" "Knuckles, I gotta go home." Sonic tried to pull his arm away, but Knuckles held onto it. He pulled Sonic close to him. "Stay here with me-*hic*" "I can't Knuckles-" He was interrupted when Knuckles presses bis lips against his. Sonic became shocked, and tries to pull away; but went limp to the kiss. "Mm, Knuckles. I can't..." The red echidna kept on kissing him. He took him to the couch, and Sonic lied on his back. Knuckles went on top, and began kissing the hedgehog's neck. "Ah, Knux!" Sonic moaned. Knuckles began biting and sucking on his neck. Sonic turned pure red, and tried to push Knuckles off.

"You really make me happy...." Knuckles whispered as he kissed down to his stomach. "Knuckles! Stop. Wait!" Sonic said. But before Knuckles can do anything else, he passed out on top of the hedgehog's stomach. Sonic pushed him off. His heart raced to what just happened. And somewhat, liked it. He decided to stay, and look after his friend until morning. Maybe he can try to explain everything to him.


Knuckles woke up with a strong headache, and groaned in pain. "Ugh, what happened?" "You got drunk, I dragged you here, and you were all over me." Sonic was sitting next himn and had an unhappy look on his face where it reads: "What the heck was yesterday all about".

"I got drunk? Since when did I-?" Knuckles paused. "Wait a minute, what dod you mean 'I was all over you'?" Sonic replies, "Well, you were kissing me and sucked on my neck." "I never did that!" Knuckles exclaimed. "Oh really?" Sonic lowered scarf, and revealed a small hickey on his neck. Knuckles blushed, and face palmed himself. "Oh no, I am so sorry. I..." He was so embarrassed, for harassing Sonic like that. "You also said that I looked cute." Knuckles looked at his friend, who turned red. "I did?" Knuckles asks. He just wanted to leave, but he wanted to hear what Sonic has to say.

"Do you like me?" Sonic asks in a shy tone. "Um, yeah." Knuckles says shamefully, and lowered her head. The blue hedgehog saw the look on the echidna's face. He wanted to make him feel better. He went up to Knuckles, where they made eye contact with each other. Sonic kissed him softly right in the lips, as Knuckles kissed back. He pulled away a bit, and says, "Don't ever get drunk again." Knuckles chuckled, "I won't."

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