I Owed The Vampire Prince. [27]

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I swear I almost jumped out my skin. I could hear a crack in the desk and Lucas had this look on his face I didn't very much like.

"They hated her so much, they killed her.", he growled.

"Who's 'they'", I asked.

"My parent's.", he said. He said it in a disgusting way. "They killed the person I loved just cause she wasn't a vampire.",

"What?", I asked shocked. His own parents killed her just cause she wasn't like them. And he forgave them?

"Of course I did. I had too.", he said. "If I wanted to become king, I had to forgive and obey them. Even, I was consider a baby vampire. I was only twenty-three. They controlled my life and they still do in till next year.",

I thought about what he meant. "What do you mean?', I asked.

"I will become King next year.",

"But didn't they say you'll become in 15 years.". I remember that day when his parents came, I know they said that.

"They changed their mind. My father will be over a thousand and he said he's finish with being king and that it's my turn.".

"Oh," I said. But I still don't really understand why they killed her. I mean, I know they killed her cause she wasn't a vampire, but there has to be another reason.

His eyes started to looked sad. He looked me straight in the eye, "We were going to have a baby. Once they found out, they took her from me and killed her.",

I stood there in shocked. My mouth hung open a little. His own parents? It was mostly hard to think his mom did that. She seemed so sweet. She couldn't of done that.

"Well, people can be surprising.", Lucas said. Okay, now he's just getting annoying with reading my mind. He needs to stop listen in.

"Stop that.", I said. My head started to hurt now. I rubbed my head as I spoke, "So, what I'm understanding; you parents didn't like her just cause she was pregnant. Why was it a big deal?", I asked.

"Cause the baby would have been a dhampir.",

"What?", I asked. What was a dhampir?

"Half-vampire, half human.", he said. "If the baby would've been born, it would've brought shame to my family.",

"Then why didn't they just, you know, give her an abortion.", I said.

"Cause they knew I loved her and they knew it'll happen again before Savanna turn twenty-five.",

"What would've happen when she was twenty-five?",

"I was suppose to turn her into my kind. But they took her from me in the middle of night out of surprised and dragged her away from me. There guards were much strong than me and they held me back while they drank the last bit of blood from her.", He said, grabbing the glass pencil holder off his desk and throw it at one his book shelves. It broke loudly.

I jumped in surprised cause he throw it at the wall with suck great force and I sure some can hear from a mile away.

"Clean that up.", Lucas said, sitting back down his chair. I didn't feel like arguing with him so I just did what he said. I walked over to where he crash the pencil holder and bent done and starting picking up one piece of glass at a time.

I made my way over to the trash can but I stupidly stepped on my own shoe lace and fell. My face heated up in embarrassment but then I fell sting pain on my arm hand and wrist. I brought my up and I felt a little faintish when I saw blood. My blood where wasn't good, cause don't only did I cut myself, there was a small piece of glass on my palm and I was to much of a baby to get it out myself.

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