I Owed The Vampire Prince. [20-2]

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An Hour Later...

I felt my body go stiff, I been standing in the same place for 20 minute and I'm really uncomfortable. Since I was the only other human beside Isabelle, I not really aloud to go off walking around according to Romy.

I looked over to Isabelle, she was playing with her nails, she seemed as bored as I was.

I felt someone tap on my left shoulder and I looked behind me. Liam.

"Come with me.", he whispered.

"I have to stay here, Romy said I can't go-"

"I don't care.", he grin, "You'll be with me, I'll keep you safe.", he said, taking my hands.

I felt my cheeks go red. I was about to protest, but then he start walking, which I almost slipped and fell. I'm not sure if he notice or not.

He led me to a corner of the ballroom which no was around. "I should go back to where I was.", I said, about to go back, but he stopped me.

"No one will notice your gone. Their to busy admiring Master Lucas.", he said, it seemed like he was trying his best not to roll his eyes.

"Maybe,", I said, "What do you want?", I said, trying my best not to put it in a rude way.

"To dance with the prettiest girl in the room.", he said, taking my hands and wrapping my arm around his neck, than put his hands on my waist.

My cheeks heated up at his comment. Prettiest girl in the room, yeah right. Jasmine looks better than me. Me--I'm plain. Even, every girl in was so beautiful and pretty, not to forget ten times hotter than me.

"Me, pretty, ha-ha.", I faked laughed as I looked to the floor, trying to hid my blush as we start to dance.

I heard him chuckle, "Do you always look at the floor when dancing with a guy, or is it because your trying to hide that blush on your cheeks.",



"Well, am I a better dancer than the Prince?", he asked, changing the subject.

I looked up at him, "Maybe.", I grinned. "Maybe not.",

"I think I am.",

"Than you must have a big head.",

He shrugged, "Maybe.",

I chuckled.

"I have to tell you something.", he said.

"What is it?", I asked.

"I li-,"

"Awe, cute.", Luna voice came in, cutting him off.

We pulled away and I could feel my cheeks burn more. How long has she been standing there?

"Yes Luna?", Liam asked, annoyed.

"Queen Arabella needs to talk to you about something.", she said, walking away.

Liam sighed, "I'll tell you later.", he said. I was about to say okay, but he kissed my cheek before I could speak and quickly walked away.

I blushed mad hard I probably look like a tomato. He kissed my cheek! Calm Dorinda, calm.

But I couldn't help a smile go on my lips.

I realized I was alone standing in a corner when I should be going back to were I was so I don't get in trouble.

I start head back to the place where I was standing. As I was almost their, but in a room I think was a storing room, I think I saw someone in their. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop since the last time I got in trouble, but I'm becoming curious.

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