I Owed The Vampire Prince. [o8]

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"So, why does he has have to such an ass?", I asked Jasmine. We were walking down to the dinning room. I already switched out of my pajamas cloths. Lucas packed all my stuff after he knocked me out. God, how much I hate him.

"You know, your lucky your near me, or he would hear you say that and get mad.", she said, chuckling.

I raised my eyebrows, "Huh?",

"When humans are around pixies, and when their also around vampires, like in the same building, but in a different room, they can't hear you. Cause vampires do have very good hearing, but since your near me, he can't hear you, unless you scream it.", she said, chuckling

"Oh, so tell me. Tell me about vampires. Do they actually drink blood.". I felt a little stupid for asking that, but some stories say they don't, that they don't drink anything.

She chuckled, "Yes. But they have to go to your world to get it or they'll keep a human around, with the King permission, of course. Vampires don't actually have to drink every night. They can survive for at least a couple of days without it, but when they get thirsty they'll go to your world. But they don't kill the humans, unless their newborns vampires and still getting use to it.

I nodded, "So, how dangerous are they?",

"To me, they can't drink me, they'll get sick. My blood taste way different, it's like a poison. But their are scary to us, since their at the top of the list.", she paused after I raised my eyebrows, "The list. It's goes from species. It goes from the top to bottom: Vampire, werewolves, light and dark angels.". Great their werewolf and angels too! My life is so not normal anymore.

"But they live in other worlds. Then it goes to witches. Then pixies and mermaids. Then last, but not least, humans.", she said, as we got to this a door.

"So, my race is last. Nice to know.", I joked, whiling to given a small laughing. She laughed to. She open a door. We walked inside. I saw about five pixies and Isabelle sitting at the table. The room had wooded floors, the walls were white. The room was about to sizes of a normal dinning room. There was a was big chandelier over the table. Their was tones of different kinds of food, which made me more hungry then I already was. There were also like three large windows in here.

"Hi guys.", Jasmine said.

"Hey." said a boy with blonde hair said, smiling. He had blue small eyes. He was pale like a vampire, but he had light green tattoos. It looked just like Romy tattoos, but light green and it didn't go to his forehead, it just went around his neck. "Over here.", he said, pointing at a seat next to him.

Jasmine smiled big and we both walked over, Jasmine sat down next to the boy, which must be Edric. I sat down to a seat next to her.

I could feel eyes on me. "Oh, guys.", Jasmine said, "As you know her name already, this is Dorinda, the newest worker here.",

I heard a laugh. I looked around to see it was Isabelle, "Worker?", she asked, still laughing, "Jasmine, she's not a pixie, she doesn't work here. She's a slave here, just like me.", she said, getting up, throwing a fork she had in her hand to the table. She walked over to the door me and Jasmine came in from and slamed it closed.

"Why is she upset now?", Jasmine asked.

"She asked the master if she could visit the human world.", a guy with dark grayish shaggy hair said. I have never see anyone with grey hair. I mean, on old people, yes, but this guy looks 20. He had grey eyes to match with his hair. Also to match his hair and eyes, he had a gray tattoo that was like waves but also with some sort of flowers. "He said no.",

"Oh.", Jasmine said, with a sad face, "I feel bad for her.",

"Yeah.", Edric said.

"Oh.", Jasmine gasp, "This is Edric, a thunder pixe.", she said to me. I already knew that he was a pixes. It wasn't hard to guess that. We just smiled at each other in 'Hello' way. "That's Mitchel, a lightning pixie.", she said to the guy with gray shaggy hair. "That Liam, an nature pixie.", she said, to a boy with black hair and green eyes. He looked to be about 23. He had a tattoo with grass dark green looking tattoo that went to his arms, neck, and forehead like Romy did.

"Zoey, a flower pixie...", she said, to a girl with light purple hair. She had blue eyes and olive color skin and she was probably the same age as me. Her tattoo was purple and a design of many different types of flowers. She gave me a look saying she didn't like me. She didn't have to say it, I knew from her look she gave me that she didn't.

"And you know Romy already.", she finish, breathing hard, which I would too. She said that all in light one breath. It seems pretty hard. I never did it cause I would dye without breathing.

I said hello awkwardly and they all said hi back, but Zoey. And Romy didn't have to since we already met. Zoey kept on giving me the death glare. I was wondering if she had like a wrong, like that's just her thing, or she hated me.

"Master Lucas play-toy here.", The guy Liam said. I could hear disgust in his voice.

"Uh, really. Well, it's seems like Master Lucas her play-toy really. She's always here.", Jasmine said, with the same voice tone.

I was wondering who that'll be. Not that I care, but I wanna know who I should watch out for. "Who would that be?", I asked. Me and Jasmine grabbed are plates and started putting food on are plates.

"Emma, she's a slut.", Mitchel said. "She thinks she's Master Lucas girlfriend, when Master Lucas already told her she wasn't. She's has blond hair and blue eyes, so she's not really smart..",

"Hey, I'm blonde and blue eyed.", Jasmine said, putting her plate down, and putting her hands at her waist. I wanted to laugh, but I knew I couldn't, it would be mean.

"Sorry..", Mitchel said, sounded like he didn't even care what he said, "Anyways, she only comes here so she can try and become future queen", he finished.

Okay, that reminds me of the girls at my college, with boys, it also sounds like High School a little.

Great, now I hate this place more. Even vampire chicks I'll meet are going to be annoying.

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