(3) The Hot boys of England

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Chapter 3

I shoved my headphones in my ears and kept them there for most of the flight, flickering in and out of consciousness. When I eventually stumbled off the plane, it was pitch black- and raining. I sighed. It snowed a lot in Canada, but I was used to the cold. Rain was just... wet.

Pulling up the hood of my grey sweater, I made my way through the check ins, and spotted Matt at waiting for me. He looked serious, his blue eyes dark.

“I see you made it here.”

“No, I got lost in South Africa.” I glared at him. A smiled cracked his face.

“Ah, sis, sarcasm does not become you.”

“And humour doesn’t become you.” The glower melted off my face like butter and I smiled. I had really missed Matt.

He hugged me tightly, and I pressed my face into his warm chest. At 6’ 7”, Matt towered over me, nearly two feet taller. I’m 5’ 1” and the smallest girl in my grade. Or at least I was. I was willing to bet that not much had changed, though.

“You’ve grown, lil sis.” Matt smiled and ruffled my hair, his eyes twinkling.

“That’s a relief.”

“Too right. C’mon, I brought the car. Let’s go.”

“D’you think you could teach me to drive, Matt?” I asked hopefully as we made our way to the exit. Matt chuckled.

“No chance, kiddo. You have to be seventeen first.”

“That’s only three months away! C’mon, pretty please?” I gave him my best wide eyed look, pouting.

“You know that’s really not attractive.”

“Well, neither is your face, so it looks like we’re even.”

Matt tipped his head back and let out his booming laugh. “Ah, I’ve missed you, Alexis.”


The drive to the tiny village of Bridgewood didn’t take long. I spent most of the time peering through the rain-streaked window, trying to make out shapes. Mostly, all I could see were blurry trees hunkering down amongst the fields, gnarled fingers stretching up to the stormy night sky.

“Here we are.” Matt stopped the car. “Home, sweet home.”

I opened the car door, hunching my shoulders as rain splattered down around us, and gazed up at my new house. From what I could tell, it was a small cottage, made of coppery red bricks and with a narrow path winding through a small, fairytale garden to the front door. It was all sickly cute.

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