(23) Suddenly You're All I Need

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Chapter 23

“Whoever invented Wednesday was a faggot,” I decided, leaning back against the grassy hill in the playing field.

Travis flopped down next to me. “Tuesdays are worse.”

“No way.” Rose sat down on my other side, her hair glinting in the weak sunlight like liquid onyx. “Mondays. I can’t stand Mondays.”

We stared gloomily out across the playing field. Most people were huddled around the edges, looking like they were trying desperately to stay warm. Only a few people were actually doing anything productive.

“Oh, my gosh,” Rose exclaimed suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled between the three of us. “I’m so excited about Saturday!”

I groaned quietly, and laughed as Rose elbowed me. Travis frowned. “What’s happening Saturday?”

“Duh! The dance!” Rose rolled her eyes at him. “How can you have forgotten? I’m super duper excited.” She nudged me. “Are you sure you can’t come?”

“Absolutely,” I confirmed, and when her face fell, I felt a twinge of guilt. “Sorry, Ro. You’ll have fun anyway. I know it’ll be hard without my awesome presence, but-”

“Shut up, Alexis,” Travis said as Rose snorted. Gee, I just love my friends.

“What about you, ginger?” I asked, poking him playfully in the ribs. “You said yes to Nancy yet?”

“Aw, Nancy asked you? That’s adorable!” Rose squealed. Travis looked embarrassed; heat flushed up his neck.

“Yeah, I told her yesterday.”

“That’s awesome,” Rose chattered. “Maybe she’ll want to come shopping with me and the girls tomorrow...”

“If I were you, I’d warn Nancy fast,” I advised Travis. He nodded seriously.

“I’ll text her.” He reached for his bag, which he’d dumped next to Rose’s and mine. He pushed mine out the way to get to it. “Jeez, Lexis, your bag weighs a ton. Do you keep bricks in it?”

“Oh yeah, my bags packed full of bricks,” I said sarcastically. “They come in handy when I need to throw them at idiots like you.” I pulled it close. “Nope, that’s history homework. My teacher is a bitch.”

As I unzipped it, Rose suddenly scooted several feet away, staring at my bag as if there were live snakes slithering out of it. “Rose? What’s up?”

“N-nothing.” Her voice shook slightly, but with a couple of blinks, she composed herself and gave me a smile, relaxing. Travis had glanced up, but then he returned to digging through his bag for his phone.

Rose’s smile was relaxed, but she still hadn’t moved back. I gave her a strange look, and then glanced down in my bag and spotted the problem.

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