Chapter 12: Save Me The Last Fry

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Matt drives me home in silence. It’s not awkward, in fact I wouldn't have it any other way. So many thoughts and emotions are running through my system that if I tried to carry on a conversation I would be speaking nothing but crazy talk. But hey, that’s all I’ve heard tonight. My head hurts from all this learning and exploring so I lean my head against the window.

 I wonder how Dora does it. Like, seriously, she goes on these explorations that require too much walking for my taste, she’s four years old, and she’s freaking bilingual.

I was never that accomplished  at four.

I’m not that accomplished at sixteen.

"Zara? You okay?"

You know, I hate when people ask me that, when obviously I’m not. My parents are dead. Zara, are you okay? I survive an animal attack.  Zara, are you okay?  I find out that vampires, witches, and werewolves exist and that some girl looks just like me.  Zara, are you okay? What do you expect me to say? Lie and say yes, or be honest but sound like a brat as I say no? God people, stop asking stupid questions! You know I’m not, so what is the point of asking? I look at him and say all I can think of. “What do you think?”

Oh god, that sounded brattier than no.

“I know that what happened tonight was bit much Zare, but you have to say something.”

He’s done it. The one person who hasn't set me off tonight, has set me off. I’ve done the best not to blow up in my date’s face, but I can’t do  it anymore. “I’m in shock. Okay? I said something.”

I put my face in my hand. Years of convincing myself that they were myths, legends, cliché Twilight crap Claire is oh so into. And that girl? Elena, was that her name? That was never explained to me. My new so called “friends” have much sharing to do with me. Is Preston hanging out with vampires? Has he been giving them blood? Ashton? Is he safe? My family is not safe. What is happening to me? I want my normal life back! Back in Grove Hill, Virginia, with my living parents and my drug free baby brother. A place where I never have to worry about anything supernatural, just if I can pass midterms and if I can find a way to go to the next party. I want to go back to Robert E. Lee High School, where I’m Zara, the cheerleader who makes decent grades and really only cares about her social life. Silly, carefree, secretly a geek, prepared to marry Alex Pettyfer on the spot, Zara Meghan Rose.

“Zara?” Matt calling my name again brings me half out of thought, the part of me trying to live in my past glues its feet to the ground. “Zare you’re crying.”

It takes only a touch to my cheeks to realize that I let myself lose control. I am quick to try to compose myself. “I’m fine.”

He tries to continue a conversation as if this was normal, as if this were just a normal day. “I’m sorry my original first date was a total bust.”

I wipe my eyes.  “Hey sometimes girls need to know they have to take home their drunk baby brother, other times they need to know about fiction becoming fact.”

He gives me a weak smile. “Well sadly the masquerade party has long since been done with, but we can still finish our date like normal human beans.” I laugh at his ‘The Borrowers’ reference.  “Look it’s not all that original, but it would be a way to finish our date...”

I push some hair behind my hair. “Matt you don’t have to...”

“Oh I do.”

We park at the girl and he jumps out of the truck, dragging me along with him. He acts like a true gentleman, opening the door and pulling out my chair, but the second he sits down he’s all, “YO RYAN!!!! GET US SOME FRIES AND SOME SOME BURGERS!!! I’LL LET YOU STARE JEALOUSLY AT MY SUPER SEXY DATE!!!”

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