[18] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 18:

I woke up, tucked into my bedroll, and remembered what had happened. I took a deep breath, surprised to find my lungs clear, not like earlier. I rolled off the bedroll, and looked around. As far as I could tell we were still in the same part of the mines. I could tell by the architecture.

The others were all sleeping so I crept around them, and looked out of the room we were staying in. It was dark, but wait. No. Couldn’t be. I swore that I saw two big yellow eyes, right over by the other door. I drew my sword, and swung the door shut with a ‘clang’.

The others shot up in their bedrolls, and got to their feet quickly, scrabbling for their weapons.

Gandalf sat up, and asked, “What is the matter?”

“There is something out there!” – I told him. “Why don’t we have a guard?”

Aragorn looked sheepish. “Gandalf told us not to post one”.

I scowled at Gandalf. “Why not?”

Gandalf got to his feet slowly, using his wand to stand up. “Because it is only Gollum following us.” – he told me.

‘Gollum? Gollum!” – I spluttered, “That thing is a menace! It is dangerous!”

The others looked from Gandalf to me, and then back again, not sure what to do.

I then remembered that Gollum was instrumental in the later movies, and backed down from Gandalf. Of course he thought it was because of his superior debating skills. Snort.

We started out after a measly breakfast of Lembas bread. Boromir filled me in on what happened after I collapsed.

“After you collapsed every one, but me, of course was panicked. But Gandalf put some leaves in your mouth, and you started to breathe again. He said that the creature’s blood was poison, and it blocked off your lungs, and that you were pretty tough to have gone so long.”

I didn’t feel tough, actually I felt down right weak, but then I suppose it would take a while to get my strength back.

After everyone had packed up, we started out again. I kept an eye on Gollum though, as he slink through the darkness behind us. He thought that he was being sneaky, but he really wasn’t. Rattling rocks, and knocking over dead dwarves. Though it was all the better for us, then we could hear him.

Unless he wanted us to hear him, in which case he was plotting something, which wasn’t good.

The next days were uneventful. Gandalf gave me more of the leaves to chew on, and soon I was feeling back in tip top condition. I was getting tired of all the dwarf bodies lying around though. I think at that moment I would have given pretty much anything for a change of scene.

As we rounded a bend, Gimli gave a sort of shriek and raced into an open room.

“No Gimli!” – Gandalf shouted, and everyone followed Gimli into the room.

It had a very high ceiling, and probably would have been a very fancy room, if it had not been covered in dust, dirt, and dead dwarves.

Gimli was kneeling by a long rectangular white stone box. And he was sobbing. ‘He seems to do that a lot, ’ I thought to myself. ‘Maybe it is a dwarf custom? To sob at the entrance of every new room?’

Then my brain cells kicked in, and I remembered where we were.

“We have to get out!” – I hissed to the others. “Now!”

“Why?” – Gandalf asked surprised.

“Because! I remember this scene! Pippin” – I said pointing at Pippin who looked surprised. “Knocks that” – I continued, now pointing at the dead dwarf skeleton perched on the well like think in the middle of the room, “Down, and tons of Orcs and a cave troll barge in.”

Aragorn looked up at me, “Does anybody die?”

I shook my head slowly, “Well they didn’t. I can’t be sure now. Frodo almost kicked the bucket.”

Frodo blinked those huge blue eyes, and I felt my self spacing out.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm” – I monotoned sleepily.

Boromir marched over to Frodo and picked him up by the front of the tunic.

“Well Ring Bearer? WHAT DO YOU SAY?” – he yelled in his face, while shaking Frodo back and forth. I’m sure Frodo’s hair blew back when he yelled.

“He’s not deaf!” – I snapped at Boromir as I yanked Frodo from his grasp. “Though he might be now!” – I muttered, as I set Frodo on the ground.

Boromir blinked, and then ruffled Frodo’s hair.

“Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me!”

I pulled him aside when the others turned away, listening to Gandalf reading from a journal like record book.

“I know what came over you. It was the ring!” – I told him, in whispering tones.

Boromir shook his head, “No. I don’t have the ring!”

He showed me his empty hands.

“You don’t need to have the ring, you twit! The ring is in our heads!” – I pressed a finger to my temple to enunciate – head!

Boromir’s pupils dilated in shock at my words.

I nodded my head in a ‘yes’ gesture, while I smiled smugly.

“You hear the little voice don’t you?” – I questioned him, “Talking to you, trying to make you mad?”

Boromir nodded his head slowly.

“And did that voice just tell you to shake Frodo?” – I prompted him.

He nodded again.

“Ha!” – I cackled pointing my finger at him.

He looked surprised, and then a little annoyed. “What?”

“You did something that someone told you to do! There is hope for you yet!” – I chuckled. Then I thought seriously, “I don’t think that the others should know about the voices. If they do they might think that we are unstable, and kick us off the team.”

Boromir nodded in agreement, and replied, “Not a word.”

I nodded my head in appreciation, and we walked back to where the others were waiting.

Aragorn scowled at me, and said, “What were you two whispering about?”

I thought frantically. “We were debating how many months it’s been since you washed your hair last!” – I threw out quickly, and then cringed inwardly. Oops. That isn’t the best thing to say when you are being led on a team by that person.

Gandalf actually came to my rescue. “Yes, we all are in need of a good bath, and hot meal.” I sighed relieved.

“Though,” – he continued looking angrily at me, “There is no need to criticize others because of it. Please refrain in the future from doing such things.”

Aragorn smirked, and spun around, accidentally knocking the dead dwarf down the well.

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