[6] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 6:

We had to pack up the campsite and move again. The others were not happy. In fact Gimli was down right furious – muttering about ‘Crazy smoking young people’ and ‘All that smoke has idled their brains’. I didn’t point out the fact that he smoke – quite a lot, because I didn’t think that that would remedy the situation.

Legolas and Zena were discussing archery – and the pro’s and cons of different styles. Legolas seemed to think that in close combat you should use the arrow to stab the orc (thing in question) before firing the arrow. Zena seemed to think that this gave the orc to much time to retaliate, and that you should just lop off their head with your bow. Legolas then questioned her to how you could get your bow that sharp. Zena showed him her bow, on which she had installed a blade. The blade meant that she could then wield the bow as a two handed blade. I rode up closer to try and hear a little better – but they gave me the cold shoulder – riding ahead to ignore me.

Great. Now my own sister is ignoring me – because of a smoke off. Snort.

I let my horse drop back behind and the second I was out of hearing distance they started to talk again. I could see their lips moving.

Our little ‘troop’ rode on, with Gandalf and Aragorn at the front, Gimli on the right flank, Legolas and Zena on the left flank, the hobbits in the middle, and Boromir and I at the back.

I gave my pipe back to Pippin, and he thanked me. He had thought that I was going to keep it. I was already thinking if you could roll cigarettes here. I didn’t think so, because they didn’t have anything that could be used as a filter.

Boromir rode his horse up beside mine.

“Have you ever seen the White City?” – he asked.

“Only in the movie.” – I told him, “But it was beautiful.”

He sighed and looked off into space, “There is nothing-nothing, more beautiful then the white city. Nothing even comes close.” – he looked over at my horse and I saw the love of his city in his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t such a selfish prat after all.

He caught my gaze and held it.

“There is almost nothing that I wouldn’t do if my city was in danger.”

I held his gaze and replied, “Would you die for your city?”

“Yes.” – Boromir replied.

Wow. This guy was dedicated. I haven’t seen this type of patriotism in years!

Boromir looked at the stars that were just beginning to glimmer in the sky, reflecting on the still river water that trailed along beside us on the left.

“I haven’t been home in almost a year,” – he said sadly.

I nodded, I knew what he meant, and I had only been gone from home for about two days!

Boromir gestured at the white and gold horn that hung at his side, “This is the only thing that I have other than my sword and shield that is from Gondor.” He held the horn lovingly. “It has been passed through the Stewards of Gondor – from the eldest son to eldest son for years. It is a true treasure!”

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