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A/N Hey everyone I just want to thank all of my loyal readers :D that is if I have any lol :P i know i dont get as many reads bt I am ok with what I have because I know that at least some people are enjoying my writing :) So this is Dedicated to all of my loyal peeps. also i would like to thank Harry from @OneDirection_RP for being my HAPPY BUDDY!!!! luv ya haz.

Louis' P.O.V.

Crap! where did all of these freaking fans come from? They always tend to find a way to screw things up! Dont get me wrong we love our fans but I swear they can be a bit creepy sometimes. They have found a way to retrive some info on us that we didnt really want people to know. I dont know how they do it and i really dont want to know.

We sprinted to the limo, our bags rolling along behind us going over bumps and jarring our arms. We finally made it to the limo and everyone hopped in. we told the driver to drive to the hotel. I was doing a head count and roll call,






"vas Hapenin"


"Still alive"

"Kate?" i asked but got no response "Kate? Katie!" crap where was she.

"Guys wheres Kate?" the boys all looked at me.

"Please dont tell me-" Liam was cut off by Zayn

"You dont thnk-" Zayn was cut off by Niall

"We couldnt have-" and finally Niall was cut off by Harry

"WE LEFT KATE WITH THE FANS!!!" Harry screamed.

We all sat there for a minute then realized that the cheaffuer was still driving.

"Crap! Stop the car we have to go back." Liam told the driver and we turned around

The whole time i sat there hating myself. I cant believe we left her there. The fans could easily tear her apart.

I can not lose her again.

Kates P.O.V.




Im pretty sure it has been at least an hour now. The Limo is gone and So are the boys. I knew it was too good to last. They will come back for me right? Of course they will, I mean they cant have just not noticed I was missing, Right? Oh well if they arent here in the next hour I am going to buy a plane ticket and fly back to London. Dont know where I would live but I would find a way. I was Tapping away on twitter when i saw some shadows walk up to me.

"Hey." the shadow stated simply.

I looked up to see a very handsome guy. he had short brunette hair amd peircing blue eyes. Thin lips adorned his face along with long lashes. He was gorgeous.

"Hi" i answered glad that I had looked up from my phone.

"Im Shaun" he said and held out his hand.

"Kate." I said then shook his hand.

"I couldnt help but notice that you were all alone over here, and I thought to myself 'Now, why is a beautiful girl like her sitting all alone.?'"

"Well you are very kind." I giggled he had an American accent, It went with his personality.

He took my hand and helped me up off my suit case which I was using as a chair. He then grabbed my luggage and led me to the nearest coffee shop. Starbucks.

"May I buy you a coffee?" he asked me 

"Oh no I couldnt." I said

"But you arent I am." he stated then ordered me a carmel mocha.

We sat and talked for a while when I heard a loud banging. I turned around to see 5 farmillar boys sprinting towards me. Louis ran over to me and embraced me in a hug.

"God I thought i was gonna have a heart attack when we left you." he panted in my ear

"Oh no Lou its ok, Shaun here helped me while you were gone." shaun waved at Louis but Lou didnt even move.

The boys all hugged me and apologized. I forgave thhem and hugged Shaun.

"Thanks" I whispered in his ear and i felt him slip something into my hand.

"No problem love" then he left.

Once we got back to the limo I opened the paper. It was a phone number (846)-738-9283. I entered it in my phone and put in Shauns name. Louis didnt say a word on the way to the hotel and honestly I was worried. We made it to the hotel and collapsed from exhaustion.

well this had been an eventful day!

A/N Hey everyone! soooooooooooooo do you like? yeah I know Louis is getting jealous. Hmm find out what happens next chapter tomorrow but for now goodnight my lovlies

~Love Kate :)

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