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A/N hey y'all I am updating yay!!! You should all be happy! No? Ok fine I don't have that many reads so yeah ummm.....on with the book anyway! If no one likes this book tell me now please!!! Cuz I don't wanna write a book that no one is gonna read! So yeah well here is the next chapter for those of you who actually read my horrible books haha... Enjoy I guess:) xxxx

Kate's P.O.V.

We sped to the airpark in the tour bus the whole time Liam was freaking out.

"Do you think the plane will leave without us? Wait what if there are loads of fans or maybe the already left! What if uncle Si is there and he yells at us! OML I'm freaking out. What if there is an oil spill!!" Liam was going on a rant

"Li calm down it's ok!" Zayn tried to calm him down.

"An oil spill really Liam?" Lou asked completely puzzled.

"It's a possibility!" Liam retorted

"Ok lili whatever you say" Niall said looking at his phone probably on twitter

"Hey nialler whatcha doing?" I asked

"I am on twitter. Talking to fans" Niall answered not looking up from his phone.

"Do you have a twitter kate?" Harry asked me.

"Nope" I said popping the p "nor do I have a phone" I informed him

"What?!?!" All if the boys say and looked at me.

"Yep" I answered

"Well good thing we got you one!" Louis announced

"What?!?!" I asked excited and not believing them at all.





"Harry Birthday!"

Ok the last one made no sense.

Liam pulled out a brand new black iPhone! He handed it to me along with a case. The case said one direction on it and it was signed by all of the boys.

"Awww thanks guys!" I said we gathered for a huge group hug.

"One problem!" I said and everyone looked at me "I have no Idea how to use this friking thing!"

"SUPEMAN WILL SAVE YOU!" Louis yelled and grabbed my waist. He dropped me on the seat next to him and proceeded to teach me how to use an iPhone.

"So can I make a twitter?" I asked Louis.

"Yes now what do you want your name to be?" He handed me the phone and u typed in my name.


Louis then put in some of my info and pressed 'create profile'! The boys whipped out their phones and typed in some stuff. About 5 minutes later my phone dinged 5 times. I turned on my screen and saw that I had five new followers.






I followed them back and my phone instantly started exploding! I had about 500 friend requests!! (A/N sorry I don't have a twitter not so I know how to work one so I this is wrong don't hate on me :3) people were asking me questions like

@Kate_xxx how did u get Them to follow you?

@Kate_xxx wow you are lucky!

@Kate_xxx lucky bit**


Some were sweet and some were hate. I instantly felt horrible, what had I done to them? I was snapped out of my trance when my phone dinged, I had 5 new mentions!

@Louis_BooBear @Kate_xxx is my new bestie!! Yay luv ya gurl!

@Hazza_Styles. @Kate_xxx on the way to the airport with my new bestie!!! And stay away from Louis he is my boo bear!!!

@Niall_Hungary. @Kate_xxx how long till we get to the plane? IM STARVING!!!!

@Real_Liam_Payne. @Kate_xxx welcome to the 1D family love!

@Zayn_VasHapenin. @Kate_xxx OML we better hurry my little Nialler is HUNGARY!!!!

I chuckled and typed replies to all Of them. My phone started blowing up again but I just ignored it.

After about 10 minutes on the bus we arrived at the airpark. It said our plane was leaving in 5 minutes! OML I have never run faster in my life. We sprinted to the ticket counter and got our bags checked. Then we ran to the loading gate all without the fans noticing. Once we got on board the private jet everyone relaxed.

"Are you happy Liam? There was no oil spill!" Lou said sarcastically. We all laughed. The pilots voice came through the over head speaker.

"Please buckle your seat belts and prepare for departure."

We all buckled in Zayn was next to Liam and Niall, while I sat next to Louis. It was then I realized that I had never flown. I started to have a mini panic attack. Louis apparently noticed.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asked me.

"I have never flown before ever and I'm afraid of heights" I started hyperventilating.

"Woah woah love breathe and look at me" he said and he lifted my chin to look in his eyes "I'm here and I won't let anything hurt you" he kissed mg fore head. I cuddled into him and fell asleep on the jet ride to America.

A/N soooooooo? How was it? Sorry for its shortness! I am tired. Well luv ya ttyl y'all :)

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