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A/N here it is what will the boys say? find out now...

Kates P.O.V.

I woke up in a dimly lit room decorated with mahogany wall panels. i was in a white fluffy bed that felt so warm and nice. I couldnt remember why i was here. i looked out the window/ wall and stood up, i screamed in pain and fell to the ground my lower reigon burned and ached. i realized i was naked just as i heard heavy footsteps running down the hall. i just layed on the floor sobbing. i didnt care anymore i was used and broken and no one could fix that.

Louis P.O.V. (last night)

I walked into the house with this fragile bleeding girl in my arms and yelled at the guys,


i heard 4 pairs of feet running down the stairs and skid to a halt infront of me.

"BOOBEAR YOU KIDNAPPED A GIRL?!?!?!?!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Lou what happened?" Zayn asked looking at the poor damaged girl.

"Well i walked by and she was being raped and she looked so innocent and hurt. so i saved her and brought her home and i just felt attracked to her like i was meant to help her. she had something important from her. this bastard took her virginity and i cant change that but i can sure as hell try to help her." i said the boys gaped at me.

"Sick bastard" Niall whispered on the verge of tears. he was such a sensitive guy and super sweet.

"ok Lou just hand her to me and we will clean her up." Liam offered and i resisted.

"She made me promise not to hurt her and i swore. she hasnt seen any of you and if she wakes up and sees you she will freak out." i was worried i didnt want her scared she was so fragile.

"Its ok Lou i will let you take care of her. Harry go get the extra room ready and make the bed, Niall go get me a wet wash cloth, and Zayn you just take this bag of hers and wash her clothes." Liam ,gave out the orders flawlessly then went to draw her a bath.

i carried this vulnerable girl up the stairs and placed her in the warm bath and scrubbed off all of the blood and dirt. she was bruised and cut from the rough gravel and the hand cuffs had made deep marks in her wrists. I felt so horrible if only i had been there sooner i blamed myself entirley.

"Im so sorry." i softly whispered into her ear, even though i knew she couldnt hear me.

after her bath i carried her up the stairs wrapped in a towel and layed her in the freshly made bed. i felt a connection with her as if we were made for each other as if i was meant to find her. she was broken and i was gonna help her.

Louis P.O.V. (next morning)

I was sitting at the table eating breakfast with Niall and i heard an ear piercing scream. 

"Oh my lord!" i jumped up and ran up the stairs to the guest bedroom. i slowly opened the door to see the fragile girl laying on the ground naked and sobbing. she looked so broken my heart split right down the middle. I walked over to her and lifted her up which resulted in her screaming and struggling.

"No please i will do anything just dont hurt me. please." she sobbed then went limp. I was scared but i could still hear her shallow breathing.

"its ok love it is just me Louis, the boy who saved you last night and who swore not to hurt you." i whispered trying to calm her down thats when she broke down she clung to me and her hot tears stained my shirt. 

Just then Niall came running into the room

"Lou are you ok? i heard a scream and came in after you." he stated then he saw the limp, sobbing girl in my arms.

"Yes im fine Ni just go find me some spare clothes." i asked him. he nodded and ran off in search of clothes.

the girl had stopped sobbing by now and was just crying peacfully almost.

"Whats your name Love? i dont think we have formally met." i asked trying to find out this beautiful mysterious girls name. I waited for about 2 minutes then finally got a whispered response,

"Im Katie and if i had any friends they would call me Kate." she sounded almost quiet and hopeful.

"Well Love you dont need to be scared because i am your new friend and i wil never leave you." i reassured her. Then she looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes a broken look in them and said,

"Thank you Lou" she smiled at me then fell asleep in my arms wrapped in a blanket.

"I love you Kate." i whispered but i knew she was long gone.

A/N so do you like? please Rate, Vote, Comment. and i need A girl to be in my story if you wanna be in it just comment a short description of yourself and i will look over the entrys. thanks all of my followers :)

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