Chapter 48

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Lauren is hugging her wife, holding her closer to her, their hearts beating as one. "You won't baby, we'll fight this thing, we'll make it through alright?" Y/n is uncertain almost sure that this won't happen, she is waiting, living for goodbye. Slowly the dreams she had, the hopes and faith all seem too far away from her reach to grab onto them. Was it worth it? Losing Lauren because she was selfish and stubborn? No. It wasn't. She regrets it now, but she can't seem to confess it to anyone.

She never thought that she was going to be one of those people who are just waiting, waiting for the end, not really living their life. They just move through each day, not really enjoying it. Y/n never blamed them for that, she never judged them for it, she is just like them now and if it hurts them just as much as it hurts her, then she feels sorry for them. Y/n doesn't want to imagine not waking up to the sound of the birds singing, sun shining, when she looks through the window and see the green grass and blue sky, she wants to cry because she is afraid of losing that.

"Are you better now?" Lauren asks her wife, trying really hard to hide her feelings away, she is nervous and scared even though she will never admit it. Y/n squeezes her once more before she lets her go. "Yeah, I've got to go, I need to get my life back." Lauren smiles at her gently.

They walk hand in hand towards the kitchen where Maddie and Kevin are waiting for y/n. Jessie is sitting on the chair next to the counter, re-reading something and smiling when she notices her family looking at her.

"I shall read this to you guys, listen up," she says giggling as she starts reading her mom's diary.

"It's snowling mommy," y/n laughs at our son as he falls on his butt again.

"I don't think that word exists Leo, it's snowing."

"Snooooowling!! Snowliiiing!" I giggle quietly at their little game holding Jessie close to my chest. "Soon baby girl, soon you'll be able to play games with your brother and sister."

"And your mommy of course!" Y/n screams inside my neck, little Jessie smiling at her mother as she pecks my cheeks repeatedly, I turn my face to the left and she gives me a little kiss on the nose and a quick peck on the lips.

"What was that? Is that how you kiss your wife?" Y/n smiles at me as she brings our lips together in a kiss. "Thank you baby," I say quietly as I peck her cheek and even after all of this years it still makes her blush. Y/n wraps her arms around my neck from behind and takes Jessie's hands in her own, she loves her daughter so much that it's actually too sweet to watch it. "Would you look at that, my favourite girl inside the arms of my favourite girl."

"What about Maddie and Leo?" Maddie says and little Leo comes running towards us. "Yes what about Leo and Maddie."

"Well you two are my favourite too, you all are. My little family." She picks Leo up and hugs Maddie tightly, the little girl smiling at her mother.

"Mommy, actually, our family is pretty big, right mom?" She says sending the question my way and when I realize that she didn't call me by my name for the very first time a tear rolls down my face.

"Laur? Are you alright?" Y/n asks but I'm too focused on Maddie.

"You just, you just called me mom." Maddie smiles like a little child, leans closer to me and pecks Jessie's forehead and then my cheek. "Yes I did, mom."

Maddie hugs Lauren tightly and Jessie smiles their way, "you know mom, I can't even remember when that happened. It seems to me like I've been calling you that since the beginning. I've always seen a mother in you, you always gave me the love and support I needed. Thank you mom." Lauren kisses her daughters cheek and looks at y/n.

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