Chapter 6

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The next morning Lauren is the first to wake up, her leg is resting between mine, her hair all over my chest while I am hugging her protectively. I feel soft fingers drawing patterns on my abs and as much as I hate mornings my lips form a happy smile when I look down at her lovely body.

I pull myself away from her slowly and she groans, "come back I need my pillow." I smile her way and throw her a pillow from the floor, "not that kind of pillow," she mumbles and I move towards the bathroom.

"What? You're not going to invite me to have shower with you? You know to save some water?" She pulls herself in a sitting position as she rubs her tired eyes, I start wondering if the trip I planned is a good idea she looks so tired.

"I am pretty sure that there's more than enough water for both of us, we should take the shower separately, separately single," I say to tease her, I actually heard that interview and I was laughing so hard when she said it.

"Y/N! You better watch yourself after all we are going diving right?" She throws a pillow at me when I start laughing. The thing is that I never laugh in the morning, hell I don't even wake up happy in the morning, I haven't smiled from my heart for over a year now, but she brings out the best of me and it is freaking me out.

When I come back into the room I can see that she put the blankets on the couch and moved the pillows into the room. She looks me up and down and gives me a little kiss on the cheek before she moves past me inside the bathroom. "You look and smell nice, as always," she shouts from inside and I laugh at her sillines. Y/N what the fuck are you doing? Are you crazy? You are just some kind of body guard. You can't fall for her she is going to hurt you. I would answer my mind but I hear loud knocks coming from the door. Oh damn!

I pick the bag that I prepared for us yesterday when she fell asleep, from the floor and run into the bathroom. Lauren screams but I put a hand over her mouth to shut her down. I know she is naked, but still, "I've seen that before. You even wanted to take a shower with me so stop screaming and put your bikini on we are leaving through the terrace." I tell her quietly as her eyes fall onto the bag I am carrying with me.

"Today Lauren, today. If you don't want to explain yourself to your boyfriend that's standing in front of our door again." She sighs deeply and puts her bikini on, my eyes never leaving her perfect body.

"Ready?" I ask her when she stops moving around the bathroom, she giggles and gives me a hand to take. I pull her towards the terrace and she is laughing like a child all the way down towards the beach. "We have to hide on our honeymoons, but the funny thing is that we are running away from my boyfriend." She states and I laugh at that, it sounds so stupid seriously. Why do I have to hide like a child who's done something wrong, she is my wife whether he likes it or not.

I don't know what comes over me, but I grab Lauren's hand and intertwine our fingers as we walk down the beach towards the boat. From time to time I take a little glance her way and she seems pretty annoyed by something. "What?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows. "What?"

"What's going on? Because if looks could kill half of the ladies on the beach would be dead by now."

"They are basically drooling over you eating you alive and we are just walking past them," she says annoyed by the girls that are watching us, I wouldn't even noticed them if she wouldn't say something.

"And yet here I am holding your hand," I whisper as I squeeze her hand gently. She wants to say something back but I don't let her, I pull her in my arms and kiss her sweetly. "Here, let's give them something to look at now." I try to joke but she punches my arm and jumps on my back. I carry her like a little child and I feel so damn happy.

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